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it was a painfully cold winter and wearing a short skirt which covered only up to the half part of my knee didn't really help much.

grabbing, my favorite coat, which was the warmest, too, i wrapped it onto my shoulders and walked out of my room.

as i opened the door, i was greeted by a pair of green eyes and a fluffy white tail. you guessed it, kkami. he keeps on appearing in my kitchen that i got used already when i usually jump when i see a cat. well, basically still every cat except for kkami.

"hello again, mister. what is it that you want?" i asked and he walked into my room, almost looking like he shrugged at me.

he was holding a black yarn in his mouth, one thing really noticeable since his color was the opposite of the toy.

"anyways, i'm going to school so take care of the house for me while i'm away, okay?" i instructed as i wore my shoes. he glanced at me shortly and went back to playing with his toy.

"yes, hyunjin's coming, too so you have two rooms to guard. good luck!" with that being said, i closed the door and skipped to hyunjin's room.

i knocked on the door and i met with hyunjin's usual smile.

"y-you dyed your hair." i was frozen for a second.

"yep, i did. seungmin and felix dyed their hair so i did, too but i opted for a more natural color so i chose black." he grinned as he ruffled his hair.

"how do you like it?" he asked.

"well, first off, it suits you and it's nice because you blend in with the crowd." that was actually just the first half of how i really think about his hair. considering if i said those, i would sound totally weird.

"but i can't help but think that you were jealous with my hair so you dyed yours black, too." i teased him since he often tells me he likes my hair.

"actually, i did it so that we'd match." he corrected me with a mock smile. i looked away, utterly speechless.

"s-stop joking around. let's go, i don't want to be late on chemistry." i dismissed and walked ahead of him. i was red, and i felt sick.


after what seemed like years, the bell finally rang, signalling the end of the classes for today. i almost jumped out of my seat as i realized that we're hanging out today, and on an amusement park.

"so like i'm riding every ride out there, watch me." felix proudly announced.

"watch him fail and scream for help." seungmin mumbled.

"i dig that." hyunjin replied as they both hi-fived.

"yo, aeri's coming. i see her from here, and there's sunri, too." felix said as he looked from a distance.

"now, watch seungmin chicken out and call for his mom." he whispered a little too loud for seungmin to hear.


"aeri help me! shit, no. stop-" felix screamed with a chain of profanities as we were riding the rollercoaster. i was scared but above all, thrilled by the extremeness of the ride. also, because the person beside me seems to enjoy it, after all.

after riding a few more rides, seungmin and hyunjin decided to ride a horror train or something of that sort.

well, let's say i'm not very confident with this one. rollercoaster is one thing, but horror train, i'm not sure.

as we enter the ride, seungmin and sunri in front of us, i started to feel nervous.

i would occasionally flinch on jumpscares and gasp at the statues and paintings of ghosts on the walls. it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be, but it still was a ride i definitely do not want to ride again.

however, i didn't fail to notice hyunjin sparing glances at me or it could just be me, but he did held my hand when i was scared. it was cliché but i can't deny the butterflies that went wild the whole time he was initiating that small skinship.


"we should buy some food. sunri's hungry and so am i." seungmin suggested as we got off the ride.

"me too!" i raised my hand and pouted playfully.

"i think we all are. let's go crash that grill house over there!" felix exclaimed and ran ahead of us, dragging his poor girlfriend with him.

the savory smell of grilled meat wafted through the small restaurant. it had a comfortable ambience that matched its cozy interior. i was looking around the shop, totally occupied on the food and the people that i noticed a woman drop her purse in the middle of the ground.

picking it up, i crouched to the floor and studied the thing, wrapped in velvet fabric and a fancy stone resting on the middle.

i searched for the woman and followed her to a table. i tapped her shoulder a little and offered the purse. but what shocked me was how the owner was very familiar, yet distant at the same time. she was as shocked as i am. i almost dropped the purse but i was able to gain back my composure.



HAPPY HEARTS DAY! i hope you had a great day today like i did. if not, i'm sending you lots of love and virtual hugs and chocolates! if you did, then im still doing the same bcs issa nice thing to do :)))

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