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i knew i was asleep until i saw a pair of eyes looking straight at me. her orbs were so beautiful i couldn't look away. and so, i continued to stare at her as she smiled at me. did i say she was so so close to me, because she was and it's making me go nuts.

she tilted her head to the side in confusion, one habit i never fail to notice.

"why are you awake? did you have a nightmare?" she asked and for some reason, her voice was so soothing, i wouldn't mind her talking to me all day with that voice.

"more like a daydream. it felt so surreal that i had to wake up or else, i would be trapped in it for eternity." i said, looking into her enticing yet innocent eyes.

"okay? i don't understand you at all but c-could you please stop looking at me like that?" she stammered on her own words and, and the blush on her face, damnit she looks so cute.

"why don't you stop looking at me like that?" with that, she blushed even more that she looks like an apple, a cute one at that.

"i-i, s-stop this hyunji—" i shushed her by putting my index finger on her lips.

"do you know how your every small action affect me so much?" i started and she pursed her lips at my words.

"i go crazy every time you smile, dahye and that's not normal anymore. my heart, it pumps so hard when you hug me that it hurts. and my stomach, it churns so bad when, when you play with my hair. you know how everything you do makes me go nuts? i'm losing my sanity because of you."

i was blabbering nonsense and i know i'm gonna regret it in the morning. well, i'm not even sure if this is real or am i just dreaming. i also don't know which i would like better.

"hyunjin," she started but no words came out of her mouth.

"do you get what i mean? dahye, i like you." she was of course, caught off guard but a look of uncertainty painted her face, and i was scared of it.

did i make the wrong choice, then?


kkami was looking at me and i couldn't understand why. did i forget to feed him?

"kkami, i think i fucked up." i said, opening up to my cat. and no, i'm not insane, at least not yet.

"i think i had a dream last night, but i was so sure it wasn't. it looked so real, but i confessed to dahye last night." the cat meow-ed in response.

"she looked at me as if i did the wrong thing. wait, i think i did. what if she doesn't feel the same way? and it was hard for her to reject me because it would ruin our friendship, or maybe she was disgusted because she thought i took advantage of our friendship to my own personal feelings. either way, it'll ruin our friendship." i sighed and ruffled my hair in an irritated manner.

"i really am going bonkers."

i took a step out of my room to get some fresh air, and maybe food too. unfortunately, when i walked to the lift, the girl who i was trying to avoid was in there. and worse is, there was only the two of us.

"dahye," i said in a small voice. so i guess we're going back to being strangers.

"yep?" she replied as she tilted her head to look at me.

"w-when exactly did you go home last night?" i asked carefully, trying not to trigger any memories of a late night confession and a dumb rejection.

"well, i left as soon as you fell asleep. why? did something happen last night? i swear it wasn't me." she joked as the lift opened and we both looked straight.

"nothing, where are you heading out?" i asked as i breath a sigh of relief.

"i'm meeting dahyun again. you know, sister bonding kinda thing." she shrugged and ruffled my hair.

"i'm going now. bye!" she waved and to be honest, i don't know whether to feel happy or sad right now.


its cringy as hell but welp anyways, is anyone still reading this?

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