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lying on the couch with an open bag of chips was how i spent my saturday. it was a 'me day' apparently and i was watching spongebob on my tv when my phone's 'ding' ripped my attention from the screen. i tried to reach for the table that was in front of me since i was too comfortable to stand up but my short hands couldn't reach them so i fell on the cold floor, hard.

with a grunt i took my phone and saw kkami under my couch, looking at me. "hello, how long have you been there bub?" i greeted the cat as if it could reply.

i opened instagram in a snap as someone followed and dmed me. the username says dhyun_kim and i recognized the profile as my sister.

how could she have known my instagram? and more importantly, why did she dm me? after that encounter with her, the last thing i would expect is her trying to communicate with me. but then again, she could just be telling me something i don't really need to know.

i let the anticipation build up as i stalked her for a while instead of reading her message. her posts were mainly food and group photos with her colleagues, i guess? they're all wearing lab coats so i guess she pursued medicine like dad.

one post caught my attention, though. it was a picture of her with a cat. it was demi. she really took good care of him since he reached this old. there weren't much pictures in her account so i stopped there and decided to open her message.

‹    dhyun_kim                            

march 10, 2018

hey its dahyun

i saw your acc from an old friend and i took the opportunity to talk to you

what is it that you want to talk abt?

i want to talk to you personally

is it okay with you if we meet?

oh okay

where do you want to meet?

there's a newly opened cat café near your school

how did you know where i study

i might have stalked your acc and saw your school logo

oh idk how to react to that

but its a cat café

why not

right you don't like cats i thought you got over it


sorry my bad why don't we just go to the chinese restaurant next to it?

okay then

im gonna get ready

same gtg

i dropped my phone and plopped on my couch. things are happening too fast and i can't process everything. a few weeks ago, i met my sister after ten years of separation and she just straight up ignored my presence and made me restless for weeks and now she just dmed me and wants to meet me again and here i am, contemplating on my fucked up childhood and my sister's bipolar tendencies.

"kkami, let's go. i'm bringing you back to hyunjin because i'm going out." i crouched down to the floor and picked up my neighbor's cat. locking the doors, i walked to hyunjin's house and knocked on the door. this is one of the few times that i knocked on his door before entering because most of the time, i just literally barge into his house.

"hi dahye, did kkami cause a ruckus in your kitchen again or what? and you're dressed up. are you going somewhere?" hyunjin asked as he opened his door.

"nope, he is surprisingly on his mood today and behaved well." he nodded as i patted the cat's head.

"i'm meeting someone near our school. i won't take too long, though." i replied and he looked at me with an uncertain look.

"someone? is it a boy?" i almost laughed at his question.

"what if it is?" i said in a mocking tone and i don't know if i should laugh or coo at his pout.

"okay, then. have fun with that guy, whoever that is." he almost slam the door shut when i stopped him and laughed. a loud one that it echoes through the hallways.

"oh my god, you did not just believe that." i paused and held my stomach as i laughed again.

"i'm meeting dahyun, silly. she dmed me a while ago and told me she wants to see me." embarrassment covered his face as realization dawned him. he yet again, pouted and looked at me with a playful glare.

"meanie." was all he said for me to burst again into fits of laughter. this time, though, he was smiling with me.

"alright, just call me if anything happens." he said and raised his phone.

"i'm sure it'll go well, though." he added as he saw the nervousness and anxiety in my face.

"thanks. i hope so, too."


ik the ig format looks ugly but idk how to do it lmao so much for my editing skills

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