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i lied.

i wasn't going to meet dahyun today because she's busy. i just wanted to get some fresh air. i wanted to run away from everything.

i lied again,

when i said i went home the moment he fell asleep. i was there the whole time, when he suddenly confessed his feelings to me. but why?

i was confused as well. hyunjin, he was probably asleep. he didn't even remember if it was a dream or not.

apparently, it's not and it hurts because he could've just said it without context, just a mere dream. but to me, it was a nightmare in reality. he told me the things i wanted to hear but i wasn't sure if they were genuine.

he deserved the truth, but i lied to him because in the end, i still chose to be selfish.


my guilt has been eating me for days and i hate how hyunjin seems to be so normal, so tricked by my lies.

"and just like that, kkami spilt the food and made a mess of my—" he stopped in his words which i wasn't listening too, by the way.

"dahye," i snapped out of my trail of thoughts as hyunjin called my name.

"i'm sorry, what were you saying?" he sighed and looked at me seriously.

"you were spacing out again. tell me dahye, is something wrong?" he asked sincerely and i couldn't even look at him in the eye.

everything, hyunjin. everything is wrong.

"nothing, i just didn't have enough sleep last night." it was true though, i couldn't sleep thinking of him.

"is school stressing you out? we can go out if you want, to help you get your mind off from our school works." he smiled, it wasn't a bad idea at all.

"you know what, that's right. i totally need a distraction right now." i said as he leaned his head on my couch.

"okay, let's go. i'll treat you to ice cream."

"right now? but its already late." i said while i took a glance at my wrist watch.

"why not." he shrugged as he grabbed his leather jacket and took it on. i, on the other hand, ran to my room and took the hoodie that was hanging on my coat stand.

"hey, that's mine. how did it get to your house?" he asked and i looked at him with an innocent look.

"what do you mean? you left it here last week." i replied and he gave me the slightest smirk.

"well, doesn't matter. you look good on it anyways." he turned away and walked out of my room while i was left there, speechless.


"since when did you get yourself a motorcycle?" i said, audibly shocked when he led me to the apartment's parking lot.

"the other day," he replied shortly as he patted the bike and took the helmets dangling on the side of the .

"i haven't tried this since i bought it so you're lucky that you are my first passenger." he again smirked and i rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

i grabbed the other helmet on his hand and put it on my own.

"hey, i wanted to put it on you." he pouted and i laughed at his dumb yet cute gesture.

"just get on the bike hyunjin." i said and he obeyed diligently. when he was already positioned, i hesitated to ride on the bike until he turned his head on me.

"hop on, princess." again with the sudden compliments and endearments that activates the inner butterflies in my stomach.

i hopped on the motorcycle and he held my wrists, placing them on his waist.

"hold on, or you'll fall." he whispered and started the engine.

i already did, dumbass.


again tell me why i wrote this? its so cringy but sweet im :'))

also this book is coming to an end soooo

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