Long "Relaxing" Drive

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Don't know how he convinced me to get in this truck. Yet here I was sitting in the worn, sunk in leather seats, window rolled down the frigid air numbing my facial expressions. I unzip my hoodie, allowing the wisps of cold lick at my chest, icing over my heart as well.

"Long night?" He asks.
"Yeah...kind of..." whispering weakly.
"Come on, Andy. You and I know damn well you haven't been down this road in two years and this is the third time Dakota called me to come find your ass this week."
He says sternly almost yelling.
"So what...I'm fine."
"*sighs* Ya know it's okay to not be alright, right?"

I adjusted in my seat, pulling my knees up and turning towards the cold. Slipped my headphones and let the world fade away. I was drifting, drifting far into a deep sleep...farther into what felt like a hollow dead log in winter type of sleep... Farther... Too far...

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