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Wendy's POV

I tie up my bright blue hair into my signature pigtails, accompanied with a unique pin that covers the hair bobble. Before leaving my house with my older brother, Natsu, who's just as stubborn as some of his friends that he brings round, I brush my dress down and fling my satchel on my shoulder.

"You ready kiddo?" Natsu grins, locking the door behind us.

"I'm not a kid no more. Anyway this is your final year; you going to ask Lucy out this time, or are you going to be chicken like last year."

"Shut up!" He whines, becoming easily distracted by the very same blonde we were talking about.

"Lucy!" I call out. She turns around and smiles, waiting for us at the corner of the street.

"Morning Wendy. Natsu."

"Morning." Me and Natsu speak in unison.

"I'll leave you two Seniors to it then. I see Meredy up ahead anyway."

"Have a good day Wendy." Lucy waves me goodbye.

"Don't forget to wait for me Dragon!" Natsu laughs at the nickname we share.

"I won't Dragon!" I respond.

I quickly catch up to my pink haired best friend Meredy, who seems to be reading a book in her hands. Teasing her, I seized it and ran to school, her squeals on my tail.

"WENDY!" She shouts at the top of her lungs. "GIVE ME MY BOOK!"


"HEY!" A dark purple haired boy collided with me, leaving the both of us at the front of the school.

"Sorry." I rush to my feet, picking up the crinkled book off the floor.

"Watch where your going!" He snaps.

"You have eyes yourself, so why should I watch where I'm going? You watch where you're going!"

"Huh!" An incredibly hilarious face emerged on his face, that I couldn't help but laugh to.

"You look so damn funny." I clutched my stomach, only to be slapped around the back of my head.

"That's for stealing my book Wendy."

"Meredy, sorry it got crinkled."

"Eh, it's alright. You know I still love you."

"Aww, love you too."

Completely ignoring the angry boy we strolled towards our friends, Lisanna and Laki, and we all walked into the same class like last year. The bell rang and we took our seats at the back of the classroom.

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Romeo's POV

Who in the hell was that? Jesus Christ she had some right attitude. So this is FairyTail; the brick building that has patches of steel, and wood from it being an ancient building. A gymnasium was the only newly built area of the school, with state of the art training equipment. Why in all places did I have to be transferred here? Why in all places did I have to be transferred from SaberTooth? Best carry on with my day. Following the other students I weaved my way to the principals office.

"Good morning!" A chirpy, weared out voice called from the other side of the door.

"Morning sir." I need to be polite.

"Call me Makarov. You must be Romeo Conbolt, you know I taught your father. Such a charming lad."

"Thats not my dad." I sneer, staring at the floor.

"Well people change." The old man frowned. "Let me call a student who's in your class up."


"Listen brats!" He pressed down on the speaker on his desk. "Can I have Wendy Marvell in my office NOW!"

"You treat your students like that!"

"They all love it. I bet everyone's laughing. This is how I run my school." He leaned on his hands. "You got a problem with that!"

"You wanted me Gramps!" That voice. "You!" She shrieked.

"Ah so Wendy you've met Romeo then." The old man smiled.

"Unfortunately." Her chocolate eyes fill with disgust. "Gramps, why am I here?"

"Romeo, this is one of your classmates. Wendy you'll be his tour guide."

"Couldn't you get Laki to do this?" Wendy whines.

"If you don't do this you get detention."

"Fine. Boy, follow me."

"Seriously. Makarov, I think I can manage on my own."

"Go with her boy." He raised his voice.

"Alright, alright." I follow her, a couple of steps behind. Now that I actually got a good look at her face she is quite pretty for her age.

"This is our class room." She stops in front of a cherry door with a opaque window. And she opens it for silence. Instead of introducing me, she leaves me behind in the doorway.

"Ms Marvell?" The white haired teacher shouts. "Who's this?"

"He's new in this class."

"Oh, I'm gonna kill Makarov for not telling me. Well boy my name is Ms Strauss, formally known as MiraJane. Do you have a name?"

"Romeo Conbolt."

"Welcome to our class. Wendy seeing as you're his tour, I'm guessing, he can sit with you."

"But Lisanna sits with me." The bluenette whined again.

"I'm sure she won't mind sitting with Ms Olietta, who's alone just a desk in front of you."

"Yes Ms." She sighs as her friend moves a seat in front of her.

"Now Mr Conbolt go and sit next to Ms Marvell."

"Great!" I groan, walking over to the desk, ignoring all the looks I'm getting.

"Now students open your textbooks to page 5 and start translating into Japanese. If you're struggling either ask your partner, use the glossary at the backs of your books or stick your hand up."

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