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Wendy's POV

"It's a shame that Kinanna and Vijeeter have decided to just be friends. They were quite a cute couple." I sigh, chatting to Lisanna and Laki over lunch.

"Kinanna told me that they felt like brother and sister." Laki pointed out, taking a bite of her burger.

"That's true. They were always fighting like brother and sister, weren't they?" Lisanna said, drinking some of her lemonade.

"So, how have you two been then?" I ask, giving them a kind smile.

"I've been getting into mythology recently." Laki explained. "It's so interesting to ready about the different stories, whether they're gory or just tragic."

"That's actually very cool." Lisanna beams. "Well I'm one of the youngest to be on the student council."

"What are you again?"

"Treasurer. I keep a track of how much the school is spending out it's funds."

"Any trips being planned?" I smirk.

"Not telling." Lisanna states, finishing off her drink.

"Aww, come on Lisa." Laki grins. "We won't tell anyone. We promise."

"We promise." I agreed. And Lisanna rolled her eyes, sighing.

"Don't tell anyone this. But Gramps is planning a residential trip to Mist Island. For 5 days. That's all I know."

"Mist Island. That gorgeous beachy Island." Laki squealed.

"Yes, that island." Lisanna grins. "I can't wait for it."

"When is it happening?" Laki asks, completely hyped.

"Next year. March time." Lisanna says, and the waiter comes over and takes our plates away.

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Romeo's POV

"It's a shame you and Kinanna had to break up man." I sigh, still focused on the game in front of us.

"We were like brother and sister. It was becoming awkward when we'd hold hands or even kiss." Vijeeter paused the game for a break. "We knew we were better as friends."

"At least you can be friends. Some couples can't got back as friends." I point out, taking a handful of crisps.

"How are you and Wendy then? It's been a year since you've met."

"I love her dude. I'm thinking of taking her out for a nice, fancy dinner. I've been saving up for a while now."

"That sounds super romantic."

"Did I tell you about our first proper date?"

"No. Only the study one."

"Okay. We went to this nice cafe for tea. I was walking her home, and we ran into some kids from SaberTooth."

"Oh." Vijeeter frowned.

"But Wendy didn't care that we were running for a good 20 minutes from them. She cared that she was with me. And that's the day we became a couple. I don't think I'd trade that date for anything else in the world."

"I need to find a girl like that." We both get comfortable on the sofa again.

"She sounds like a keeper." Marienne and my Dad walk into the living room.

"How long were you two listening?" I turn around and Vijeeter cheers when I realise he beat me.

"When you said. Did I tell you about our first date?" Marienne grinned, walking into the kitchen with grocery bags.

"Oh great." I sigh, turning back to the game.

"It's really been a year son." My Dad goes into the kitchen to help out his girlfriend.

"It has Dad." I shout so they can hear me.

"So moving to Magnolia was good then?" He popped his head in the door frame. "Vijeeter you want something to drink? Tea?"

"I'm good Macao."

"I'm glad we moved Dad. Best things that's happened." I grin and he returns to the kitchen.

"And once again Vijeeter wins!" He jumps up and dances around the sofa, doing a victory dance. "And now I must be going. Bickslow said he needed help with the Japanese homework."

"You have homework?" My Dad raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to do it now Dad. Thanks Vijeeter!" I groan, packing away the game.

"Anytime!" He runs out the door wildly and I go to my room to do the homework. Oh Goody.

RoWen ~ FairyTail's SophomoresWhere stories live. Discover now