Chapter 10

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"Once upon a time..."

"Benjamin!" Elle interrupted me with that voice tone of someone that takes everything seriously.

"Elle, it's my story, I'm still getting the courage to tell it. Just don't interrupt me," I reacted to her protest.

Elle agreed not to interrupt me again. If she keeps doing this, I would not be able to speak. It was the first time I would get something off my chest to someone. Also, just being Elle made things even harder.

While I was trying to concentrate again in that day that appeared to have been marked to be the most unforgettable of my life, I noticed that Elle was beautiful in that dress that wasn't hers, but, at the same time, seemed to have been made for her.

Elle was sitting in the computer chair. She adjusted to look me in the eyes, although she cannot look me in the eye for long. She always ended up blushing and pretending to observe something that I still have not found out what it was.

I was silent for a while until I decide to start telling my story again. And not from the point of view that I bet that Elle has heard from other people, but from my own, the only real side of this story.

The sky was partly clear that morning. I woke up always lazy after of a party night. My mother would not let me sleep late since it was the last day of the year. She and dad tried to convince me to travel with them until the last minute before they get in the car and go to the airport. They were going to spend New Year's Eve in New York.

"No!" I had said it one more time. It was a no full of conviction. I would not spend New Year's Eve with my family; I instead spend with my friends. I had done this several times when I was a child. Let's just say that a teenager does not like his parents very much on a date like this.

Not that I was a womanizer, and I could not be one since I was dating Jessica, but I wanted my freedom. Not that my parents were not liberal in fact they were very much. I had no limits. I did what I wanted with lots of money in my pocket and no one to say no.

I had arranged with my friends and Jessica to spend the New Year's Eve at the beach. Jessica spends all day in my house. She was radiant that day. She wore a long white dress that framed perfectly in her beautiful body. She wore the gold necklace I had given her in celebration of our six months. I loved how her mouth looked beautiful in that red lipstick. Jessica and I were a perfect couple. I do not know if is due to the short time we were together, but we never had a serious argued. I loved every manner of hers, everything she asked me, I did. I could never say no to her. Maybe I inherited this from my parents.

It was already past midnight, and the fireworks had already exploded in the sky in perfect sync. That time I remember with conviction, none of us was reasonable. André had already fallen for the second time. Bruno threw up on the beach, making several girls that we had known on the beach run away. Jessica was staggering, and I was getting a little dizzy. Marcos had extrapolated all limits. He got into a mess with a three of guys; it was when I realized that the things were wrong. The guys did not stop following us. Of course, that Marcos wanted to face everyone to show how much he was a bully, as he always did. I saw at a glance when one of the guys raised the shirt indicating that he was armed.

I called Jessica to leave, but of course that she would not go Marcos behind. He was part of her family. They are cousins. It was hard to convince him to go.

It took a few minutes until we found the car in the middle of many, making me apprehensive. I had picked up my father's Ranger Rover hidden from him. Not disappeared like that, I always borrowed it from him. As I said, he never told me no. Only that night I had not asked because he was not at the house. The responsibility to drive was Marcos' since he was the only one who was already over eighteen years old and had a driver's license. Sometimes I drove.

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