Love Knockdown

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It has been a month since Lance found out that Arianna was his child he didn't know whether to be happy,angry,excited,or pissed. But he did know that he was still completely in love with Cam.

Cam's POV

Woah last month was crazy Ari has been asking alot about Lance since that day I don't know what to tell her because I don't know what Lance will say to her because I don't want her to get hurt by his words or actions oh well we will just wait and see.

Lance Pov

Damn Damn Damn I don't know what to do you know what fuck it I don't have anything to lose

Lance gets into his car and drives to ...


???: Who is it

Lance: Umm it's me Lance

???: Opens the door

Ari runs to the door


Lance: Umm hey ladybug

Ari: Hey daddy come see my rwoom


Arianna shows Lance her room and she plays with him until she falls asleep

Lance: She is so energetic

Cam: You would have been knew that if you were here for her but you know what I don't even care anymore I'm done waiting for you to step up so if you can leave now that would be great. Cam pushes Lance out the door and was about to close it until he put his foot in the door to block it

Lance: Cam please wait can we talk first

Cam: No Lance we can't we have nothing to talk about

Lance: Cam Please 

Cam: Fine you have 5 minutes

Lance: That's all I need... Cam I'm so sorry for throwing you out like that I never meant to hurt you i was so stressed with football and confused I had people telling me that you were only in it for the money and everything else I didn't know who to listen too I'm so sorry Cam I missed out on 2 years of Arianna's life and I don't want to miss anymore I actually fell in love with her the first moment i laid eyes on her we look just alike please just let me be here for our daughter

Cam: Look Lance I forgive you but I'm still hurt by that and yes you can be here for your daughter and thats it you can have her every other week now will you please get out my front door

Lance: Umm yea and Cam thanks again

Lance walks out the door and Cam locks it 

Lance's thoughts : I'm going to get her back no matter what I have to much love for them both to lose them again

Cam's thoughts: What have I've gotten myself into...


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