Morning glory part 2

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Moving my hand slowly down his chest, getting a good feel of his abs finally to his growing erection in his boxers I began to stroke his dick through the boxers he let out a quiet moan but tried to play it off, I loved when he moaned he rarely did but when he did it made me so wet. John began to pull down his boxers, pulling it out whilst he pulled it out I spread my legs further apart pulling down my lace panties, he looked at me and laughed biting down on his thick juicy lips " you couldn't wait" - "shut up" I laughed slapping his chest gently. He grabbed ahold of his manhood aligning it with my opening he slowly began to push himself into me I grabbed onto his bulky shoulders my head tilting to the side exposing my neck to him, John let out a grunt as he slid into me leaning in closer to me kissing my neck slowly "fuck Y/N you're so tight" I began to rock my hips back and forth on him as he thrusted inside of me keeping a good pace, my muscles were clenching around his dick my juices flowing like crazy, the room was filled with my moans it felt so good and we wasn't done yet we was just getting started baby.

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