Izzy rollxn

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"You coming to the studio today? Needa get them vocals on this beat" Antonio said.

I was a backup singer for a lot of tracks my brother was an upcoming rapper along with his other friends, they were all fine as fuck especially this one boy Izziah. I smirked at my brother before tilting my head "only if Izzy gon be there" I said sticking out my tongue, Antonio stared at me shaking his head before pointing his finger at me "what I tell you bout my friends stay the fuck away from them, them niggas ain't shit" he said in a serious tone.

I rolled my eyes walking out of my room, he followed me "whatever A, you know I don't even be talking to him anyways" I wafted my hand. "And it betta stay like that, let's bop" he said picking up he's keys from the counter, I followed him outside to the car getting in the passengers side.


We walked into the studio, I saw a bunch of my brothers friends and a few girls scattered around the room but I didn't see Izzy... everyone greeted me "wassup y/n" they said I waved at them smiling. "Hey y'all" the studio looked like it was going to be boring today so I just wanted to get my vocals done and leave. "Ant can we speed this up, I don't wanna be here long" I said walking into the booth he nodded his head playing the beat. I started to harmonise on the beat showing off my vocals and singing the lyrics that were given to me after I did the first set they wanted me to do it one more time I sighed then did the vocals again. The second vocals turned out better than the first "Aight that was dope" the engineer said as I was walking out the booth Izzy's fine ass walked in the studio room, he looked straight at me smiling I smirked at him waving. "Wassup Y/N, you good?" He walked over to me. "Mhm" I said shyly I could see Antonio watching me and Izzy. Izzy walked past me brushing his shoulder gently against mine he then dapped up Antonio talking to him. I overheard their conversation "when you gon let me holla at yo sis" Izzy said, Antonio smacked his lips "mane Izzy i ain't tryna hear that bullshit" I don't know why my brother was so trippy about me talking to Izzy, I was 19 izzy was 20 I don't see the problem!

I sighed getting up from the sofa walking over to Antonio and Izzy "I can hear y'all! And I'm ready to go home sick of people treating me like I'm some child I'm a grown ass woman" I said annoyedly to my brother, side eyeing Izzy also. "You grown huh? Take your own ass home then grown woman" ant said standing up from his chair, Izzy stepped infront of him "chill y'all, I'll take you home Y/N" - "I bet you will izzy don't get yo ass beat" before Antonio could stop him he held my hand leading me out the studio room everyone looked at us then at ant truthfully at this point I didn't care about Antonio anymore, he's my brother not my lover he needs to back tf up.

I was quiet as we walked to the car hand in hand, he playfully started to swing our hands looking at me. I laughed "whatchu doing Izzy" I playfully rolled my eyes "what? A nigga can't swing hands" he opened the door for me, I didn't get in the car instead I turned around placing my hand gently on his chest biting down on my lip, he stared into my eyes for a few moments before kissing me once on the lips. He stopped to see if I was okay with it, I grabbed his head back to my face kissing him again the kiss grew passionate before we broke the kiss for good.

"I been wanting to do that fo a long time Shawty" he said caressing the side of my face. "Me too Izzy, ion know why it took you so long though" I got in the car, sitting in the passengers side Izzy came round to the drivers seat getting in. "You know why y/n, your damn brothers a trip" he said starting up the ignition "I know ... he be doing my head in but he's only looking out for me because he knows what you and the others are like" I said truthfully "I ain't like the others" "that's what they all say" I said rolling my eyes. We made small talk after that finally pulling up at my house. "Well this my stop" I said laughing, "lemme come in shawty Antonio won't be home till later" he said licking his lips leaning over to me "and do what?" I asked stupidly, knowing full well what we were gon do. "Talk..." he slid his hand onto my thigh grabbing it. "Mhm" I said getting out of the car Izzy followed me inside.


"I just wanna make you feel good lil mamas" Izzy whispered in my ear, causing my lady area to tingle. He spreaded my legs laying on top of me grinning himself slowly. "Izzy... this ain't a good idea, you know it" I whined as I moved my head as he tried to kiss me. "Look ma, I wanna make you mines but we don't have to fuck if you ain't down I'm ready to wait for you.." he said. His arms were either side of me holding himself up as he talked to mean, I couldn't believe how serious he was about us. "You serious Iz?" I said stroking his jawline, staring in his eyes. "I'm serious y/n, you w special one mamas" he kissed me. "I'm ready" I said nodding wrapping my legs around his waist.

Izzy slid my panties to the side rubbing my clit with one of his fingers, I leant my head back taking in the pleasure before I heard him unbuckling his jeans. Suddenly I felt immense pleasure Rush through my body causing me to yell out, Izzy began to thrust himself inside me lifting my legs up as he kissed on me neck "You mine na" he said lowly before picking up the pace i could feel myself about to climax, curling my toes as i gripped onto Izzy's muscular figure "don't stop" i whispered. I was moaning so loudly that we didn't hear my bedroom door open.

"THE FUCK YOU DOING" Antonio screamed as he walked in, Izzy jumped out of the bed pulling up his trousers as I pulled the blankets over my naked body, Antonio did not look happy with izzy.... fuck!

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