My kind of night

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1 year later


I just got out the pin I walked out the gate and the crew was all standing around they walked up and dapped me up and shit they all got out before me so everybody was there

Where Tati, I asked three

"She sleep" he said back smiling

I'm so happy to be out, I yelled

"Yeah me to bro " mark said slapping my hand

I got in the car wit three, mark, boomer, baby joe and KD and we went to my mom house.
I walked in the door everybody was there the house was packed ash I mean it was no walk way  for me to walk

"Kentrell" my momma said calling my name

Hey ma, I said hugging her

"It's a surprise for you outside" she said rubbing my back

Then I walked out there and everybody followed me out there then I looked around I ain't see nobody then a all black BMW pulled up and Tati got out i walked over to the car and she pulled kayden out the car and walked towards me

I love y'all, I said hugging her and my son

"Love you too trell" she said hugging back tight
"Ouuu I miss you" she said looking at me

I miss you too, I said smiling

"Who is that" Tati askew kayden

"Daddy" kayden said smiling

Come here, I said wit my arm out

Then he walked to me and I picked him up and hugged him tight

"Don't hurt my baby" Tati told me smiling

I miss this dude, I said kissing him

I walked back in the house and Tati took kayden to my room to change his diaper.

Kayden dude I miss you, I said Picking him up kissing him

"He missed you to trell" Tati said wrapping his diaper

I'm just so happy in out, I told her

"Yeah I am too" she said smiling at me

You ready to have another baby, I asked her smiling

"Boy stop it" she said rolling her eyes

I ain't have sex in a year and some mouths man, I said then licked my lips

"So" she said walking pass me

So... I want some right here right now, I said grabbing her arm

"No kentrell" she said smacking her lips

Tatiana man just looking at chu got my d*ck standing up man

Go to yo granny, I told kayden

Then he walked out the room and I shut and locked the door

"Move trell if you don't got a condom in not fucking you" she told me sitting on the bed

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