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I ran to the woods I guess they think they killed me but I can't be killed I'm untouchable I just felt real hot out of nowhere then I looked down I seen blood gushing out my stomach I still ran until I got weak and fell to the ground a couple minutes later gee money picked me up and carried me back to the house


Me and the boys was playing the game then trell started calling me so I walked out the room and answered it

Wassup, i answered

"Dude where the fuck you at" he asked me

Home I got the kids, I told him

"Come to the trap now! Take them to jania she probably at home"

It's late man.. the kids tired, I told him

"Ion give a fuck they can get there asses up and sleep at my crib" he spat

Alr man I'm coming, I told him

"That's a bet" he said then hung up

I shook my head and pulled the phone off my ear I seen I had a text from Maleah so I opened it

Leah baby💕- meet me at my house in 10 minutes it's important

Me- I thought you told me you were going ta bed 🤔

Leah baby💕- I just need to talk

Me- you texting back fast today 😁 you usually leave me on read for a hour to text me back

Leah baby💕-  yeah Ik we just need to talk

Me- well I gotta meet yb then I'll be over there

Leah baby💕- where you meeting him at???

I read hee message and got the boys ready then yb texted me

Yb- man Leah texted me talking bout wya🤔

Me- yeah she asked me where I was meeting you at and shit like she my woman

Yb- get ya girl dude

Me- me and the boys bout to get in the car so be there

I grabbed my car keys and we walked out to the car. When we got to the house jania was sleep kayden gone jump on her

"Why" she said sitting up

Because trell told me to bring them to you, I told her

"No take them to his momma or something" she spat

Naw he said leave them here, I said  walking off

I walked out the house and got into my car and drove straight to the trap. I walked in the trap three and trell was sitting at the table talking. I walked up to them then my phone lit up and it was a text from Leah

Leah baby💕- Wyd

Me- nun wassup

Leah baby 💕- come now

Me- I'm bout to call you

I sent the last message then I called her and she didn't answer so I just put the phone on the couch and sat wit three and yb

"Dude" Yb said looking at me

Wassup, I said sitting down

"Who was you calling" three asked me

Maleah, I said looking off

"She ain't answer" he asked me

Naw but she can text me tho, I told him

"That's how females are" three chuckled


I was up watching boss baby wit the kids since I didn't have a choice. Tay tay started crying so I got him his cup and put milk in it and laid him up stairs in the spare room. When I walked back downstairs the front door  it was open and kaysean and kayden was standing their

No what are y'all doing, I said walking to them

"Nini somebody here" kayden told me

What, I said walking to the door

Whatchu want, I asked the guy

"I'm a friend of yb is he here" he asked me

Go upstairs wit tay tay, I told the boys

Then they ran off and I looked back at the guy

Look I know who you are, I spat
Yb not here, I told him

"How do I know your not lying" gee asked me

Because I'm not! If he was here he would've been answering the door, I told him

"Where is he"

I don't know and if I did I wouldn't tell you, I spat

"Tell him I'm looking for him" he said walking off

I closed the door and looked out the window until his black car pulled off then I locked up the house and went upstairs wit the boys and called yb

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