Doin bad pt2

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I woke up to a tube down my throat and a brace on my neck

"Tati baby" my mom said standing over me

"Baby you been in a coma for a week what happened" my mom asked me

Then my mom walked out and got the doctor then they took me down to some room and ran test on me

"Man Tati what happened" mark asked me

I wanna go home, I said looking off

"You have to get better baby" my mom told me

Nothings wrong wit me, I told her

"He outside" mark told my mom looking at his phone

Who, I asked them

"Kentrell" my mom said getting up


"He's dropping off the kids" my mom said cutting me off

My babies, I said smiling

Then trell walked in the room holding the twins in their car seats and Kayden walked in behind him

Come here, I told Kayden

Then he ran to me and I sat up a little and picked him up

You miss mommy, I asked him

Then he just looked at me and I gave him a big kiss then I put him down and he sat wit Marcus

"Wassup slat" Trell said giving mark a bro hug

Hand me king and Aubrey, I told my mom 

Then she got up and took them out their car seats

"I'm bout to go come here Draco" Trell said about to pick him up

Oh can hand me my phone so I can call august, I said trying to make Trell feel jealous

Even through I don't fuck wit august i want trell to be jealous. But last week when august came to visit me


Trell and them just left and I'm just sitting here trying to figure out what happened like how did he find out I had an abortion then I heard the door open and I looked over it was august

Whatchu doing here, I asked him trying to find my call button

"I just seen yb" he said closing the door walking towards me

You need to leave, I said pushing him off me

Then he climbed on top of me and started to kiss on me telling me how he's sorry and that he wants me to forgive him then I spit on him and he just flipped out and started to choke me then I finally seen my call button and reached for it then august slapped me upside my head and caused me to have a seizure and a black out

Flashback over

"Tatiana" my mom said in my face

Yeah, I said looking at her

"You ok" she asked me

Yeah, I said then started smiling

Then trell leaned over me and gave the Aubrey a kiss then he left out the room and I just sat back and chilled wit my kids until my mom left and she took them wit her


I just left the crib now I'm going to meet star for her doctor appointment.

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