Solar eclipse

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The next morning


I'm in the room wit Tati she's dialed to 4 her water broke last night. She's in so much pain but she just wanna have a natural birth.

"Ahhh trell it hurt so bad" Tati yelled in pain

I was rubbing her back then the door opened I looked back it was drew walking in the room.

"Hey baby" he said walking towards me and Tati

"Oh it hurt so bad" she told him

"Just get the medicine" he told her

No she's not getting the medicine, I spat

"It's her choice" drew said looking at me

It's our choice this is my son, I semi yelled

"I'm not gonna get any medicine" Tati said looking back at me

"If you want it Tati just get it" drew told her

She said she's not getting it!! so shut the fuck up! Why are you even here? I semi yelled at drew

"I'm here for Tatiana! why are you here? To try to win her back" drew yelled back at me

No I'm here for my son, I said rubbing Tati stomach

Then her contractions came again and then one of the doctors came in and checked and she was dialed to a 5. He said her contractions is going to get closer and closer then she's gonna have to push when she gets to 9. This is my first child I get to see born.

"Trell keep rubbing my back" Tati yelled at me

Then I started rubbing her back again and drew got mad and stood on the other side of Tati and rubbed her stomach.


"Ok push" the doctor told Tati

"Ahhhhh " she yelled pushing

The baby came out crying I cut the cord and they laid the baby on Tati chest

"My baby" Tati said crying

We named the baby kamron deSean gualden

Then the nurse took the baby and weighed him and took him down for testing and they cleaned Tati up and they moved us to a different room and they brought the baby back and I just been holding him since. The crew walked in the room and Ben had a balloon wit a teddy bear and baby joe had a gift bag, three and boomer ain't have nothing

"Congrats" Ben said slapping my hand smiling

Thanks man, I said looking at the baby

They all held kamron and I left with them and went to the trap wit them.

We was at the trap bagging up and all of sudden police was everywhere yelling at us telling us to get in the ground. They hand cuffed us and took us outside.

They charged all of us wit open gun, and all the drugs you can think of. I got court Monday and today is Friday so it's gone be a minute but I got one call and i talked to my mom and told her everything. She was crying on the phone saying I should've just left the streets alone.


I just changed kamron diaper and gave him a bottle and he went to sleep. So now I'm just up watching tv, then Kay and kayden walked in the room and he ran straight to me

Hi baby I miss you, I said kissing him

"Aww this is my grand baby" Kay said about to cry looking at kamron

Yes! Kayden that's your baby brother, I told him pointing at kamron

"My.. broder" he tried to say brother

Yes baby your brother, I told him smiling

Kay picked up kamron and sat down then started crying

What's wrong momma Kay, I asked her concerned

"Kamron growing up not knowing his father" she said sniffing

What, I semi yelled confused

"They just raided that house and they found guns and drugs" she said crying

No, i said about to cry

"Tati trell might get like 15- 25 years" she said crying

He just left here, I said crying holding kayden tight

"What's wrong mommy?? Why cry" kayden asked me

I love you baby, I said looking at him

"Tatiana trell wanted me to tell you to get kaysean from Chelsea "

And do what, I said looking at her

"He don't want him wit Chelsea"

That's his mother Kay I can't take care of him too, I told her

"I'll help you Tatiana"

No I don't need any help, I said shaking my head

"Everybody need help"

I don't I'm a strong woman and...

I just started crying hard and Kay laid Kamron down and hugged me

"You are a strong woman Tatiana and you know what your doing"

Me and Kay talked n shit then she took kayden back wit her to her house. And I ended up crying myself to sleep

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