WTF you saying

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Today I get to go home trell is picking me up and taking me to my mom house. I'm staying wit her until I get out of therapy trell signed kayden and tay tay up for school down here because we're going to be down here for a while I might as well move back because I don't wanna change the schools back. I seen trell car pull up in front of the door. I told the nurse and she pushed me outside (I'm in a wheelchair because I can't walk) he hoped out and jogged towards me

"Ok are you going to be taking care of her" the nurse asked trell

"Yeah" he said looking at me then back off

No my mom is, I told her looking at trell

"Ok well can you make sure her mom does exercises wit her everyday here's the papers for her" the nurse told trell handing him a stack of papers

"Yeah" he said shaking his head

"Ok this is your chair to keep until she get out of therapy

Ok, I said shaking my head

My nurse help me in the car and trell put my wheelchair in the back seat

"Ok Tatiana I'll see you soon" the nurse told me

She closed my door and trell got in the car and pulled off. We pulled up at my mom house and trell got my wheelchair out the backseat then opened my door and picked me up and sat me down

You gotta be careful trell my back, I told him

"Man I know I gotchu" he spat

You were rough, I told him

"Whatever" he said looking off

What's your problem, I asked him

"You" he semi yelled

What I do

"Man you irritating asf" he spat

How trell, I yelled at him

He started banging on the door and I just looked at him

Why are you always mean to me, I asked him

"You ungrateful ash" he spat looking Down at me

That don't mean to treat me like this, I told him

"Man shut up" he said knocking harder

"Man why yo momma not answering" he yelled at me

I just looked at him then looked off.

"You just gone have to go wit yo sister until whenever " he told me

He rolled me back to the car and grabbed me up he hurt my back and I yelled so loud my throat burned.

"My bad Tati you ok" he said looking at me feeling bad ig

Mmmm, I said closing my eyes

"You wanna come to my house" he asked me

No just take me to Taylor house, I told him

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