Gilnee Ch. 3

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While Igneel was at work, Gildarts went searching for a job at a company near by, he even went searching for apartments that were in the same vicinity so he could get his life together. He hated the way he felt after he was scolded by his best friend, so he decided to make himself a better man. Igneel came back to see an emoty apartment and sighed in relief. He called to make an appointment with the doctor, but the only slot they had open was a month away. But Igneel took the appointment and made sure to mark his calendar, he knew it would probably take more that three days to get pregnant, he even had been taking birth control, but those were never a hundred percent. Gildarts came back that night and packed up his bag. He had enough money from his days of work to make a down payment on an apartment in the city. "I am going to make my life better, so I will come visit when I get my first job and we can celebrate. So be sure to be home when I call." He smiles and head back out the door. Igneel was in shock and had no time to say anything. "Well, if this is what you want, then I won't stop you, I will come visit you so that I can make sure you eat properly." He smiles as he talked to him from the door while Gildarts walked away. "Alright, I will be looking goward to it." He then leaves and gets into the cab. A month had passed and Ignee had gone to his appointment, the doctor tells him something he knew in his heart was true. "Thank you doctor,  I will pay the bill and be on my way." He sighs and the doctor stops him. "If you plan to keep this child, then you need to know a few things befor you leave." Igneel sits back down and listened to him. When the appointment was over, Igneel went home and sat curled up infront of the door, he almsot felt like crying, but knew that crying would do nothing but give him a headache. He picked himself up and went to look for a house to live in so he could raise his baby. Gildarts had finally gotten a job and learned to cook, his apartment even stayed clean. He never gave Igneel the address because he didn't want his best friend sitting on the floor. But eight months pass, both of them got too busy to visit, especially Igneel. Gildarts finally got some time off to go visit Igneel and he took the opportunity. When he had arrived, he had planned to reconcile with his best friend. He knocked on the door and Igneel answered with a baby in his arms. "Nice to see you after nine months, I have somebody who has been wanting to meet you since he was born." He hands the baby over to Gildarts and waited for a response. He was speachless. "You mean...this is our baby?" Igneel nodded and went to the kitchen to make a bottle for him. "His name is Natsu and he has your last name. I put your name on the birth certificate under father, so if you want to visit you can, I won't stop you." Gildarts still had very little to say, but when he heard visit he snapped back to reality. "No way, I want to help raise him." He said walking into the kitchen with Natsu in his arms. Igneel was cutting up bananas to mash them into babyfood that he makes himself. "I don't need your help, I got through the pregnancy on my own, and you didn't even bother to call or pick up your phone. So I decided to raise him on my own, so far I have not been able to find a house nor a daycare center that takes newborns. But I am not giving up." Gildarts sighs. "I can help you, and I didn't answer because I lost my phone and I couldn't remember you new number." Igneel got a bit frustrated. "I have not changed my number since I got it, so don't give me that lame excuse." Gildarts and Igneel went back and forth about taking care of Natsu together or separately. "Fine, prove to me that you can be a father, then I will let you know I you can raise him with me." Gildarts agreed and thought for a moment. "How do I do that?" Igneel rolled his eyes then sighs. "Figure it out, I have to go get some things from the store for Natsu, watch him and give him his bottle at twelve, he eats mashed bananas at one and mashed strawberries at two." Igneel grabs his wallet and left out the door to get some much needed fresh air. Gildarts was left alone with Natsu, but he didn't panic and he started playing with him. Later that day, Igneel came back, to find something surprising.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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