Chapter 1: Start Line

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"Babe, it's time to wake up."

Josh's voice startled me out of my restless sleep and I rolled over to stare into his dark brown eyes. Today was the day! Josh had been offered a once in a life time job opportunity to be One Direction's American tour drummer.

I had stayed up the night before thinking about anything and everything. I was extremely nervous but excited at the same time. Basically for the duration of the American tour, Josh was to assist the band in all their shows. He had been through the toughest and gruelling audition process and I could honestly not have been prouder for him landing this job. This was going to be the beginning for him and his entire career. Ever since I had met him three years earlier this had been all he was working towards

I knew that he was excited, and because of that I was excited as well. Excited and nervous! I did not know these five boys. Sure I had heard of them, I mean who hasn't? They're the hottest band in London and actually the whole world right now. And my boyfriend was going to have the opportunity to perform and grow with them professionally and personally.

I had never travelled outside of England, and the only moving I had ever done was from Framlingham to London. It was a massive change for me considering I was so used to living in a town with approximately 3000 people. My parents barely had enough money to support myself and my three brothers, there really wasn't that much money left after that for vacations of any sort.

My anxiety levels were rising extremely rapidly. I knew that I was going to be doing all the same travelling right here beside Josh. But I was not sure how much or if at all I would meet the boys. I secretly kind of hoped that I wouldn't have to spend much time with them. 

Josh began tugging the duvet off me. It was a freezing cold London day. I decided that there was no way I was going to beat Josh at this game and reluctantly got up to make my way to the small bathroom we shared.

"We need to be leaving in about 20 minutes Bront." I heard him muffle as I closed the door. I quickly stripped out of my pj's and into black leggings and my favourite knit jumper. I fish-tailed my long blonde hair before grabbing a beanie, scarf and my bright pink suitcase to be wheeled downstairs. Leggings, really? Yeah I know a bit tacky , but hey if I had to sit in a car for like 2 or something hours I was going to do it comfortably.

Josh was waiting in the car when I dumped my bags in the boot and quickly jumped in beside him. "I hope these guys are nice."

"I'm sure they will be Bront." I loved it when he called me that. He placed a stong hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently. "I just want you to promise me that you won't run off with one of them."

He smirked at me and I began to giggle. "You know I'm not a good runner." I smiled brightly at him trying to make it clear I was joking. He switched on the radio and I let my mind wander as I looked out the window.

London wasn't my home, but it had sure felt like it for the past 6 months that I had been here. It had given me a real sense of freedom being here away from my family. I was stuck thinking about my best friend Olive when we pulled up outside another apartment block. This one was tall and fancy looking, defiantly expensive.

Josh cruised the car into a free space and we both hurriedly exited. We were greeted by a loud round of "Hello's" I was so nervous about this whole experience that I didn't even notice the five boys joining us at the car.

"Hi, you must be Josh, pleasure to meet ya." The blonde boy with an Irish accent moved forward and shook hands with my boyfriend.

"I can say the same thing. Bronte come and meet the guys."

I was greeted by hugs from all but one of the boys. The four of them seemed excited at the prospect of new friends, however the tall dark and handsome one distanced himself from everyone leaning against the nearest wall. I moved around to the trunk of the car and attempted to lift out my bright pink suitcase. I knew immediately that this one was going to be a bit of trouble.

"Hey, you need a hand?"

The boy with the brown curly hair finally removed himself from his position to remove my suitcase suitcase from my hands.

"It's Harry right?"

He nodded making his curls bounce. The way he was standing, now leaning against the car. He reminded me very much of this boy from my highschool years. Every morning he would lean against my locker and pull my hair or smack me on the ass. I saw the same thing in Harry's eyes that I saw in Aaron's.

"Thanks but I can take it from here." I took the suitcase of his hands and started wheeling it towards the front door. He took two steps to catch up with me. It wasn't that Harry wasn't a nice guy, I mean he was offering to help me with my bags. It's more that I didn't know him. Looking back on it now I would say my anxiety and nervousness certainly didn't help the situation. 

"So Bronte, how long have you and Josh been together?"

"Mmm. I bet you would like to know." I swung open the front door and waltzed upstairs banging my suitcase as I went. Don't give him anything Bronte.

I'm not entirely sure where all the venom in my words or attitude had come from. Maybe it was just all the rumours I had heard about Harry. He was always portrayed as the hot and dangerous one. Good looking and cheeky, meaning he could get away with almost anything he wanted. 

I'm generally a very lazy person so dumping my suitcase in the doorway to my room took little effort. I decided that I should probably make some conversation with the people that I would be living with while Josh was on tour.

"Hey Bronte, it's really nice to have you and Josh here."

I smiled at the boy. "So hang on, your Liam." I pointed towards the boy and he nodded.

"Niall?" The blonde boy with blue eyes nodded his head as well.

"Louis and Zayn."

"Yup" They both answered.

"And Harry, I met you outside." Or course I had heard of One Direction when they had been on the X-Factor, but I had never got into the show mainly for jealousy reasons.

"Guys, Bronte and I are so excited to spend this time with you."

He slipped his muscular arms around my waist and swayed back and forth.

"You two are so cute." Niall came up to us and engulfed us in a group hug. "This is going to be the best tour ever!"

The rest of the boys took that as a sign to join in on our group hug.

"Alright guys, I'm quite tired so I'm going to sleep but I will see you in the morning."

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