Chapter 12. Tea and Secrets

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As long as I could remember, I had only once cried myself to sleep. Last night my tally went up by one. MY family didn’t have much money and I had been working since I was 14 to help pay for things. Both my brothers were in the same boat. Life as a 14 year old girl was hard enough already, but not matter what I had stayed strong and not resulted to the blubbering red mess I was now.

I don’t know what had provoked it, one minute I was in immense pleasure with Harry and the next crushing loneliness and depression.  You liar, you know why you feel like this. I curled into the fetal position with my pillow between my legs. Josh doesn’t like you enough to go further; Harry doesn’t like you enough to do the meaningful stuff.

I sat up quickly before more tears could escape my eyes and began smoothing out my bed. It was an unsually chilly day outside so I threw on my favourite jeans; jumper and a vest for the day (

I was headed into the kitchen to make some tea. The noise at first startled me, giggling? I rounded the corner and saw them. The skanky girl from last night was lying on the fold out kitchen table. She had a line of whipped cream straight down the middle of her body. I looked to her right and saw Harry. He was once again uncapping the cream, he put two dollops above her boobs. I knew exactly where this was going.

It was causing me physical pain to watch. Was I not enough? Well you were a virgin less than three weeks ago, Harry is much more experienced.

“No feelings Bronte, just experience.”

Harry’s voice rang in my head. If there were no feelings… than why did this fucking hurt so much?

I watched Harry run his hands down her arms and across her stomach. He leant down and began to suck the whipped cream off her chest starting with the right and then moving on to the left. She let out a moan and grasped Harry’s arms.

He growled out a throaty chuckle and moved to haul himself onto the bench. He was now leaning on top of her and his tongue traced the whipped cream down the girl’s stomach. She arched her back now continuously moaning out his name and some seriously colourful language.  He stopped just above her panty line.

What the fuck are you doing still watching? This is basically classified as porn. If you want to start with porn maybe not one that causes you physical and emotional pain… My subconscious scolded me and did so with such force that I was able to jerk my head away from horrific R rated site in the kitchen.

I slowly retreated back to my bunk giving up on the chance of a quick tea. I snatched my phone, ripping it out of the charger plugged into the wall; threw off my jeans and vest and instead replaced it with some booty shorts and a singlet. It took me longer to find my joggers because I didn’t even remember if I packed them. I have never really been the one to exercise… EVER!

Soon enough I was up and running out the front door. I had switched my IPhone onto shuffle my jogging playlist: “Run Bitch Run” and grabbed a 20 out of my wallet.

I had absolutely no idea where the closest Starbucks was. I figured by this time I would just about settle for anything. The first song on my playlist was “Die Young” by Kesha. I got into a rhythm and before I knew it I had made it over a bridge and into a fairly suburban part of town.

I located a shop called “Tea Bar Tuesday” and 10 minutes later I was sipping my Mango iced tea to cool down. I took a quick look around; the place was quaint and very homey. I wouldn’t mind working in a place like this. I took my tea outside and began walking back the way I had come. Or thought I had come.

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