Chapter 4. Start again

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The seat behind me felt amazing. I had only been on an airplane once before, and well economy felt so much different to first class. The flight attendant made the rounds handing out eye masks and offering food and drink. Everyone around me was chatting away nicely and there was an exciting buzz in the air.

Why did I have to get stuck sitting next to Harry, who was quickly turning out to be the biggest dick ever.

"So Bronte."

"Harry, I'm going to stop you right there. I am not in the mood for a chat okay. You see this eye mask?"


"Okay, you see these headphones?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well I'm going to use them to sleep my way thought this flight, so do not disturb me."

He gave a small smile, "what makes you think you're going to get what you want?"

"Well I'm hoping it's the same thing that makes you get what you want."

"Persistence?" He knew by the expression on my face that he had hit a weak spot and pushed the right button.

"No. Common courtesy." I had no doubt that Harry always got what he wanted, Ben if it took a while for that to happen. The outcome was always the same.

I slipped on the headphones and eye mask and attempted to sleep.

I could see my high school hockey team lined up in position ready to go. Olive was there and everything was as it used to be before graduation. The only difference was Josh was along the side lines. The timing was off, the game was 3 months before I had even met him.

There was a few seconds left on the clock and the other team looked close to scoring. I looked up to Josh for encouragement only to see that he was gone and in his place stood Harry.

"Look out!" I was so busy staring at Harry that I hadn't seen the ball coming straight towards me. It hit me square in the jaw. My hand flinched toward the hit and when I removed it from my jaw it was covered in blood. In my clutched fist I held two of my molar teeth.

"Where did Harry go?" Those were the last words I managed to mutter before I passed out and slowly re entered reality.

I didn't move my body and inch when I woke up becoming aware that someone was leaning over me. I could feel their breathe gently on my face. I knew that it was Harry, it didn't take me long to realize that he probably heard me say his name aloud in my sleep. I'll teach you to eaves drop.

His hair tickled my nose and I instinctively scrunched it up. He waited s few seconds to see if I was now awake and upon confirmation I was not he moved back down to eaves drop some more.

"He's so fucking nosey." I peered out of my eye mask and looked straight into his green eyes.

"Uhh, sorry. I couldn't help myself."

I was quite proud of how well that worked out before I remembered that he may have heard me dreaming about him. I could feel my face burning red.

"What were you listening for?"

"Nothing, except for you calling me nosey. The rest was just mumbling."

He had not head anything and so for now I could relax.

"For some reason I feel as if we didn't start off on the right foot. My name's Harry."

He stuck out his hand and I decided I might as well be on speaking terms with him seeing as we would be touring with each for the coming months.

"My name's Bronte." I began fiddling with a loose string on my woollen jumper.

"Pleasure to meet you Bronte. So what brings you on this flight to America?"

"Well, my boyfriend, Josh, he's a drummer and he's been offered a job to tour America with this band. One Direction. I don't know if you've ever heard of them."

"Yeah, that's the British boy band right?"

"Right. So I'm here for him."

"Well, I'm sure you will have fun, a beautiful girl like you is sure to make some friends."

I stopped playing with the loose string. When he realized what had just slipped out of his mouth, his face turned a bright red.

"Well I hope so. You know what, I'm really tired. I think I'm going to go back to sleep." I tried to diffuse some of the awkwardness, but failed.

I turned away from him to sleep again. We were both just as embarrassed as the other with the words that just left Harry's mouth.

This was going to be a long tour.

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