Random Facts!

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Yah. Some random facts about be cause yeah. I can lol 😂  here you go!

1. I suck at Science
2. I hate Science
3. I recently became obsessed with the musicals Legally Blonde and Dogfight
4. I love Disneyland
5. I love to wrap presents
6. My biggest dream role is Jenna from Waitress
7. I am a perfectionist
8. I have never had a lead in a show I've been in before
9. I love to movie Wonder
10. I love the movie Frozen (I like it okay people?)
11. I love the movie Moana
12. I am listening to "Prelude: Take Me Back" from Dogfight right now
13. I love anything sweet
14. Derek Klena is my celebrity crush
15. I LOVE Betsy Wolfe, Christy Altomare, Jessie Muller, Sara Barielles, and Laura Dreyfus ❤️
16. I like pencil calligraphy and brush lettering (even though I'm so bad at it lol)
17. I have a crush but I know he's way out of my league sadly
18. I actually don't hate math
19. I have seen waitress twice in New York and watched a bootleg 5 times (wow I'm a fan girl did you know 😂)
20. I never wear makeup.

Yassss that's facts about meeeeeeeeeee!!!! 😄😄😄😄

Bye y'all!

Wait actually going to do song recommendations.

Actually...... I'll do that in my next update 😚

But can we just talk about how the song Pretty Funny from Dogfight is relatable to every girl at some point? I mean seriously it's true though. 😣

Yeah. This book is randomness lol 😂

Anyway! Bye!!!!!

Love, leah_ann ❤️


Everyone who supports me on Wattpad! I love you all!
*virtual hugs!*

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