Current Favorites/Doings

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I haven't done one of these in a while and lots has changed so yep pretty much!


Watching: Parenthood and This Is Us (just got obsessed with This Is Us. I cried in the first episode. I'm not okay 😂)

Eating: mini microwave tacos from Costco (they're life)

Drinking: water, sparkling ICE, or chocolate milk

Doing: nothing cause I'm on summer break!! Actually I'm in a production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang right now

Singing: World Burn from Mean Girls because I can and To The Sky and How Lovely To Be A Woman for my voice lessons

Celebrating: The fact that I'm on summer break!!!!

Reading: Insurgent by Veronica Roth


Shoes: Birkenstocks

Musicals: Mean Girls and Frozen

Candy: Starburst or Swedish Fish

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls and Fuller House

Favorite Class in School: none cause I'm out of school!!!

Song: "Sexy," "Meet The Plastics," or "More is Better" from Mean Girls

Movie:The Greatest Showman still!! I've seen it like 13 times I think lol I'm obsessed!!



She's so amazing! I LOVE YOU ABBEY! She is writing a Titanic fanfic rn and is going to publish some other stories so go follow her and read her stories when they get published!! She's seriously to amazing and adorable for the world so yep!

Love, leah_ann ❤️

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