Opps. I Was Tagged

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Okay so I was tagged by A_Little_Gem again lol

Blah blah blah you know the rules

1. Marvel or DC?
DC I guess cause Wonder Woman is the only superhero I know anything about

2. What fictional character do you feel is overrated?
I don't know. I seriously do not know

3. Why did you do this tag?
I was tagged and I felt like it.

4. What do you think of the name John?
Seriously A_Little_Gem ? Really? Really? 😂🙄 I like the name. It is classic and nice

5. What was your favorite elementary school grade?
Probably 4 or 5 grade. I loved my teachers they were so nice!!

6. Shower or bath?
Showers. I love singing in them and thinking about Wattpad 😂 that's where all my inspiration comes from lol

7. What do people overlook the most about you?
I don't know. I feel like people overlook about how low my self esteem really is. And I feel like people overlook me as not being weird. I'm not a weirdo (I mean I am but I'm a good weirdo!) Im really a nice and fun girl if people would just see that rather than a weirdo who people forget is in the class.

8. What is the most embarrassing moment at school?
1) I once in 4th grade wanted to prove I could stage kids so I stage kissed my crush and everyone thought we had actually kissed.
2) also in choir this year I was auditioning for a solo and I didn't know when to sing and my teacher was just staring at me along with the whole class who was judging me

9. What's the stupidest thing you've said to a guy?
I don't know. I hate people.

10.  What's your favorite cheesy pickup line?
I don't know. I hate stuff like that.

11. Favorite fashion era of the 1900s?
Probably the 70s or the 90s

12. What are the three main points of your personality?
Grey's Anatomy fangirl (lol jk)
I am kind, awkward, and weird

13. How are you today?
I was good until I watched Grey's Anatomy which made me cry. Lol jk, but it did make me cry. It's  been a regular good day

14.  What brand of phone do you have?
iPhone 8

15. Favorite color?

16. New or old Disney channel?
I don't really watch Disney channel but I guess old cause Good Luck Charlie and High School Musical are life!!

17. How do you feel about tags?
I like them actually! They're fun!

18. Do you like musicals?
Seriously? Have you MET me? I LOVE musicals it's all I listen to. My favorites are Waitress, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Anastasia, Dogfight, Wicked, Spongebob Squarepants, Legally Blonde, and the Little Mermaid ❤️❤️😍😍

20. Have you seen The Greatest Showman? Thoughts?
Ahebjerbebfidj!!!!! This movie is the freaking best movie in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

21. What version of Taylor Swift do you like best?
I like her country to pop albums. Nothing later than the 1989 album. Whitehorse and 1989 are my favorite albums and Red and her newest ones are my least favorite

Yeah if I tagged you the first name then yeah.

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