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"QUICK BEHIND YOU DINO!" a young male yelled and threw a gun to his mission partner. "Thanks!" the other younger male caught it and ran, only to trip a moment later.

A bright red light flashed and a loud annoying beeping noise filled the room.

"MISSION FAILED. SIMULATION OVER." an automatic voice said though the loud speaker and all the holographic enemies disappeared with a flash of light.

The older male sighed and helped the younger up.
"Crap. Another mission simulation failed."
The younger looked down at his feet "Sorry Hoshi Hyung." He put a reassuring hand on Dino's shoulder. "It's alright. We can always try again tomorrow." Dino nodded as they left the simulation room.

A boy behind the desk that was monitoring the mission simulation looked up at the two others when they entered. "How are the stats 8?" Hoshi asked the kid behind the computer. He scratched his neck and titled his head not taking his eyes off the screen "Well. Dino did better then two times ago." Dino shook his head disappointed "It's alright, maybe you can join the strategy group." A tall male with dark hair walked in clearly overhearing their conversation.

Hoshi rolled his eyes "Like he'd want to join the 'strategy group' DK." The other male shrugged and left. "Come on Dino, let's see what the other hyungs are up to." Hoshi led Dino to the common room.

"Ah just the person I needed to see." Someone approached Hoshi and Dino. "What's up S.Coups hyung?" Hoshi asked casually as he leaded back and forth "Get your unit together and have Woozi get his together, we need to go to HQ." The leader handed Hoshi a manila envelope and he opened it immediately.

"Why are we going to the HQ hyung?" Dino asked S.Coups "Ah, actually I have no idea yet. We'll find out when we get there." Hoshi finished reading the card and put it back in the envelope nodding to himself and gave it to Dino "Bring this to Woozi, make sure he gets his unit together." Dino nodded and ran off to find his hyung.

Like always Woozi was probably in his 'studio' where he was working on enemy Intel and hacking into organizations. He hardly ever left, so it was usually easy to find him. Dino knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Yah! What is it?" A shout came through the door "It's me hyung, I have news from Leader hyung." Dino said though the door "Allright come in." His response came and Dino let himself in.

A boy with messy brown hair and round glasses sat away typing furiously at his computer that was hooked up to many monitors. "Hyung?" Dino set the envelope on his desk. "What's does it say?" He asked Dino. "Are you sure you want me to read it? It says confidential." Woozi nodded "I trust you Chan." Dino shook his head and opened the envelope.

"To all the leaders of Seventeen unit.
Please gather all of your members and come to the HQ for a briefing of the utmost importance. Ya-de, Ya-da, random stuff. We expect everyone. Have your IDs ready at the first and second gate. Thank you. - CEO." Dino read out loud. Woozi nodded and slid back in his chair taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose "Alright, thank you Chan. Make sure you get ready and join your unit." Dino complied and did so.

Within minutes all the units had joined together and left in a black van. "What is the meeting about?" A boy with a round face that was framed with blonde hair asked no one in particular. "I don't know. Just make sure you have all your IDs ready at the gate." S.Coups instructed as they pulled up to a dark tall building.

It was the S.I.A.T.A HQ building.

S.I.A.T.A meant: Special Intelligence And Technology Agency. Yes a long and rather plan name.

Yet the building remained discreet. If you passed by you would think it was just another business building.

Seventeen quickly jumped out and entered the building. A silver spinning globe fountain greeted them. It was the S.I.A.T.A logo, but if you didn't know what it meant, you'd just think it was just another fountain.

A receptionist sat behind a marble desk. To make everything seems normal, just in case if any random lost citizen wandered in. She said nothing to the group, she just put up a hand. They all showed their Agent IDs verifying their belonging. She nodded and pointed to a familiar hallway. They bowed and carried on. As the approached the 'First gate' four large men completely dressed black stopped them. The tallest asked for their IDs. And of course they passed. The next gate was a little trickier. You had to enter your ID number into a keypad and then show more guards your ID.

Once they final passed the security, they walked down a long white corridor. One man stood at the end by the door. He nodded when he recognized the group and opened the door for them. The door slid open with a slid and the only way to open it was if you had a special key card that only a few people owned.

They entered into the common area, where everything was a lot more lively. Agents and workers passed by, some stopping to speak. The coffee bar was busy as always. Yes the HQ truly had it all. They approached the way friendlier receptionist. "Hello Seventeen." She greeted them with a smile. S.Coups returned it "We are here to see CEO hyung." Her face grew serious. "I almost forgot that's way you where coming in today." She typed something into her computer.

She 3D printed a special card "It's temporary and it will only allow you to get in once." She told them as she handed it to the leader. They all nodded and thanked her. "She is so nice." A tall boy with light hair smiled "That's because you like her Mingyu." A male a little shorter than him with black hair and a baseball cap laughed. "She is very likeable." Mingyu mumbled "Ohh Mingyu hyung likes a noona!" A boy with black hair and long jacket flashed a smile. "Can it Vernon." Mingyu frowned. A male with brown medium length hair rolled his eyes "You guys are so ridiculous."

"Where are we even going?" Dino asked "The CEO's office." S.Coups spoke flatly. Everyone gasped but the leaders gasped "It's nothing special, us leaders been there tons of time. It's just under special security because that's where the CEO goes." Hoshi informed.

"Okay here we are." S.Coups slid the special card through a keypad next to the door. It dinged and the door opened with a hiss.

A man with salt and pepper hair and serious expression sat at a long table. "Please sit down." Most of them had only seen this man once in there life. It was the CEO. Seventeen did as the where told and sat on the chairs that where gathered into a giant circle around the table. Once everyone was seated the CEO spoke again "I have a special announcement. Your team will have a new member." various gasps filled the room. The CEO nodded expecting their reaction.

"Y/N please walked in now." He spoke into a microphone. A door opened and in walked two men with some behind them. It was a girl. The CEO smiled at the girl. "Meet Y/N. My daughter." The girl bowed towards her father then towards Seventeen. "She is the new addition to the Seventeen unit."

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