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"Y/N has been trained in various martial arts and dance. But other than that she has no experience on the field." The CEO spoke. The leader S.Coups shook his head. Why would he trust us with his daughter? Especially since she has nothing to bring to the team? It made didn't make any sense to him.

"I believe you will be able to train her well. Since you are my least active team." Aaand there it was. Now it made sense. He knew she wouldn't get hurt because of the little amount of actual missions they got.

The CEO continued to babble on with instructions and whatnot for the next 15 minutes until he finally closed with "I trust to you all 100% with my precious daughter. Any harm that comes to her will come to you." He threatened with a new cold look in his eyes. "Yes Sir." Everyone said in unison. He stood up and kissed his daughter on the cheek, who had been standing the entire time. "Take care. I will see you in six months." Her eyes widened "Six months?! That's half a year!" He nodded "Yes. Yes it is." And with that he left leaving everyone dumbfounded to say the least.

She looked like she was about to have a mental break down. A male with ashes brown hair stood up and walked over to her. "I'm Joshua. Don't worry we'll take good care of you." He put his hand on her shoulder. She sniffled and wiped away her tears "I should be used to this by now." She turned around looking out a large window. DK stood up and joined her "What do you mean?" She quickly wiped her face furiously "Nothing. I should stop getting all sappy. It's just-" she didn't finish "Nevermind."

"This is the common area" S.Coups said as they led you into the large room that had three couches scattered around, a table, and a television. "This is where we usually all hang out after missions and stuff." Seungkwan piped up. You nodded as you looked around the semi-modern room. "It's pretty nice and surprisingly clean." Hoshi's eyebrow arched at your comment "What do you mean 'surprisingly clean' hmm?" A small smile formed on your face "Sorry I just expected this place to be a little messy, since 13 guys live here."

"Oh. You think your funny don't you." Hoshi poked her "Well actually I don't blame you for thinking that." A tall handsome male looked down at you. Wonwoo isn't it? I can't remember. There is to many of them. "Since nobody else here cleans." His deep voice was calm and quiet. Something you could fall asleep to...

"So is our Y/N a joker huh?" DK smiled widely "Uhh... not really." You scratched your arm, still shy in the present of them. "I just realized we are calling you by your real name." Jeonghan grimaced "Ya. You're right." Another tall male tapped his chin. "Well what should we call you?" S.Coups turned to you "Uhh. I have no idea." Joshua tapped his chin "Do you have any nicknames?" You frowned "No. Not really. My name isn't compatible with anything short names or anything."

Seungkwan passed the room "Hmm. What should we call you." Everyone looked like they where thinking hard. Then Wonwoo spoke up "How about Dot?" Everyone turned to him "Like the cute dots on her dress." He pointed down at you. It was the dress your caretaker made you wear. It was a white dress with no
black dots. It was a cute cut and flared out a little. So you didn't mind it too much.

Dot. It sounds cute.

"Okay that actually sounds cute." Hoshi says and Jun nodded in agreement. S.Coups looked you up and down "Yeah. I think it fits you." Joshua smiled at you "What do you think?" You should smiled back "I like it." Wonwoo face blushed a little. "Dot it is." S.Coups announced and put a hand on your shoulder.

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