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The morning sun shone through the small window illuminating the room. The sun just so happened to landed on your face. Such a great way to wake up. Not. You sat up stiff from sleeping on the hard floor rubbing your eyes trying to regain proper vision. You let put a loud yawn and stretched. "Sleep well?" A husky voice asked making you jump a curse. You turned to see a man with curly brown locks and glasses looking down at you, it was only Woozi. You grab a pillow to cover your clothed chest that is absent of a bra "Yah! What are you doing in here?" He laughed and spins around in his chair to face the computer "I still have work to do."

You roll your eyes and fix your wild out of place hair. "Why didn't you sleep on the bed?" He asked while typing quickly while staring at the screen with green and red algorithms. "Uhh... I thought it would be weird..." You scratch your head and stretch more "How did you even get in here? Are you like a master locksmith?" He chuckled "Actually yes I am." Your jaw dropped, he could into any locked door. That's not creepy at all. "But I just used my keys" He dangled a pair of keys between his fingers and jingled them a little "This my room after all."

After shooing him out for a moment so you can change into proper clothing, you walked down to the common room. "Morning Dot!" Seungkwan chirped happily "Hi Seungkwan." You waved and smiled. The tall bean pole- I mean Mingyu: was standing at the stove flipping pancakes. "Mmm.. that smells good." You hum and walk closer to inspect. S.Coups who sat at in the breakfast nook drinking a cup of steaming coffee reading some paperwork looked up at you momentarily, but quickly looked back down. "Hey Dot." Mingyu welcomed you as you walked closer "Wanna flip one?" He looked down at you. For some reason you couldn't help but giggle "Sure Mingie" He smiles down at you "Is that my new name?"  You nod and grab the pan handle "Okay so what you going to do is gently lift the pan, like so-" He grabs the handle over your hands and demonstrates how to flip the pancake. "Aha!" You cheered as it successfully flipped over to the other perfect golden side. "Great job" He gave you a high five, making it obvious to you that his hand was twice the size of you own.

Once the first batch of pancakes was finished you helped Mingyu set out plates and a large bowl of fruit for the people who where awake so far. Seungkwan, Dino, The8 and S.Coups practically gobbled up the breakfast food. "Good Job Dot!" Seungkwan raised a thumbs up in your direction "What about me? I made the food. All she did was flip a few pancakes." Mingyu acted offended. Seungkwan shrugged "It still tastes better than normal." You rolled your eyes at the boys antics. "Oh hey I forgot. Woozi is up too. Should I bring him food?" You ask Mingyu as you set out more plates for Vernon and Wonwoo. "Oh. He already ate like a few hours ago." Mingyu cut up more fruit and added to the bowl "Really?" You asked "Ahuh. That kid wakes up at like four in the morning to eat." Jun says as he walks into the kitchen "Yeah. You can hear him raiding the fridge all night long." Dino laughed.

Suddenly Hoshi ran into the room with Joshua and DK behind him "S.Coups we have a situation." You could tell by the way Hoshi spoke and the way his forehead glistened with sweat, that it was urgent and that something was definitely wrong. S.Coups immediately put down his papers and food and stood up to follow his younger teammates to wherever they'd lead him. "Dino go get Woozi wherever he may be." S.Coups  instructioned as he quickly strode out of the room. Dino stood up and rushed out of the room.

Jun took charge at immediately. "Vernon and The8 go wake everyone up." He barked "Everyone make sure you prepare yourself for whatever happens next."

What was happening you were so confused.

"What's happening Jun?" You looked up at his serious face. He snapped out of his whatever that was, when he saw you. He smiled weakly "Don't worry your pretty head about anything." He pat your head before turning striding out of the room with Mingyu and Seungkwan on his tail.

Now you were all alone, completely confused, extremely worried and almost scared. What was going to happen?
I really feel like Mingyu would be an awesome older brother. Just saying lol.

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