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You ran down the empty white halls, trying to remember the way back to Joshua and DK. You panicked. It was not even a full 48 hours and someone had already died?! No no. Don't think like that. He isn't dead, he is probably unconscious. Yeah unconscious. That has to be it. He is going to be alright. He has to be. Why do all these halls look the same!!! Ughh! You open a random door, bingo.

"JOSHUA! DK! COME HERE NOW!" You yelled breathlessly, panting from running. Joshua looked up from his book "What's wrong Dot?" He asked concerned "I-it's W-W..." you couldn't finish without the horrific the image of his lifeless body stained with blood sprawled across the floor were you had just slept the night before.

Tears filled your eyes as you hyperventilated, DK quickly strode over to you and tried to get the words out of you, "Slowly Dot. Take a deep breath." You did as he introduced and as soon as you felt calmed enough and as you begin to speak, Seungkwan spoke loudly through his wrist communicater. "HYUNGS GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE! WOOZI IS DEAD!" Joshua's face turned pale and horror contorted DK's expression. "W-what do you mean hyung is dead?" DK asked fearfully. "JUST COME HERE AND FIND OUT! I NEED HELP!" Seungkwan practically yelled through the speaker, fear and worry was laced with his anger. Joshua three his book and quickly ran out with DK hot on his heels.

You stood still for a moment watching them run down the hall. You slowly walked back in the direction where you had just come from. You hadn't know Woozi long and even though he acted like a complete jerk to you, you couldn't imagine him dead. It wasn't possible. You knew he was a valuable asset to the team.

You were to lost in thought that you hadn't even realized a tear sliding down your cheek. You quickly wiped it away. Suddenly something had grabbed your mouth and your waist and pulled you backwards. You were suddenly pulled into a dark room. The image of the hall had faded. You protested against the persons strong grip. They only tightened it. You kicked and elbowed, but their hold on you didn't cease. Suddenly an idea popped into you mind. It would hurt the person, sure. But you'd be able to get away from your captor. You raised a leg slowly and swiftly kicked back. Your heel hitting their sensitive area. They let out a howl of pain and fell to the ground.

You rolled away them and quickly stood up. You caught your breath and the person moaned out in pain while holding their sensitive area "What the hell was that for!?" You suddenly realized who's voice that was. "WOOZI?!" You yelled shock as he wimpered "Yeah thanks for that." Then you realized what just happened and how much pain you probably just put him in. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" You crouched down and put a hand on his shoulder. His face was on the ground as he tried to alleviate the pain. "Does it hurt?" You asked worried, "What the hell do you think! You just kicked my d-" He groaned before he could finish.

"Can I see? Let me help" You looked at him. His eyes filled with horror. "WHAT THE HELL!" He squirmed away "GET AWAY FROM ME WOMAN!" You realized how wrong you sounded. "OH GOD THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"  You panicked. "THAT'S WHAT IT SOUNDED LIKE YOU CREEP!"

A few minutes after a lot of apologizing on your part and promising you'd buy him ice cream later, you two collected each other and he calmed himself to tell you why he pulled you into this small dark room. "Okay. So obviously that wasn't the real me, since I'm right here. That was an android I made. It can look like anything I want it to." "You made a robot?" You interrupted "No, it's a shape-swifting android." He huffed "Same thing" "No its not." "Whatever"

"Anyways. I have something to show you." He stood up and felt across the wall in till his fingers fumbled across a sensor and a quiet *ding* was heard. Suddenly the wall had slid open revealing a large room. He stepped in and turned to face you with a smirk plastered across his face. "Welcome to the tech room." He put his hands in his front pockets and spun around.

The room was large and you could definitely tell it belonged to him. Takeout and junk food wrappers littered the desk with all the main monitors. A big red leather couch was in the middle of the room,and a least a 70 inch TV taking up the opposite side of the room. The walls where filled with semi vintage signs and video game posters. There was a mini kitchen, but It had a full size fridge. A large king sized bed was the focal point. The whole room was decorated with reds, yellows, black and dark green. Despite its cool bad boy aura the room gave off, it was extremely comfortable. There was no windows but plenty of light. Gentle jazz music played in the background, you guessed it came from the old, expensive looking record player that was set up on a side table.

"And this is my humble abode." He put his hands up and spun around and jumped onto his bed. You laughed at his sudden change in mood. It was cute.
"This is really nice. Who else knows about this?" He smirked "No one but the staff. Not even your dad." How did he managed to sneak this past your father you'd never know. Woozi stood up and walked over to his desk. He glaced at the monitors and laughed to himself. "Hey come here." He motioned for you to come over. "Look." He pointed to a monitor his other room on it. DK and Seungkwan where currently trying to pick up "Woozi" He laughed at their efforts. "Classic." He wiped a fake tear.

Suddenly a call came through to Woozi's phone. "Hello?" He picked up. "I just got a call from Joshua that you were dead and Y/N-ah was missing. What are you doing?" It's was S.Coups. "It was just a little fun. Besides how else was I supposed to get Dot alone to show her the tech room?" S.Coups sighed through the line "You could've just politely asked her if she wanted to see the tech room instead of making everyone think your dead and kidnapping her." Woozi laughed "It's more fun this way. " S.Coups rolled his eyes "Just make sure you train her well. We're depending on you." And with that he hung up.

"What did he mean train me and I thought you said no one knew about this room?"  You asked as he scratched his neck "Eh well. Leader hyung knows. But that's it. And then your father decided for me to train you as a hacker." You gave him a puzzled look "We got the news this morning. So it's new to me too."

A sudden beep was heard. It was coming from one of his smaller monitors. Suddenly his face turned pale as he spun around in his chair. He looked at the monitor before grabbed his wrist communicater. "HYUNGS GET EVERYONE OUT OF THERE! THERE IS A BOMB!"

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