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A loud blaring noise came from the speakers as you ran down the white hallway. You where trying to find everyone, since they just kinda left you. "Where could they be?" You ran though the tour they gave you only a day earlier. But you were panicking and you weren't thinking straight. Suddenly someone grabs your arm "Yah!" You yelled surprised, but you were met by Vernon's calm yet fiery eyes. "Oh sorry." You apologized as you looked down, slightly embarrassed for yelling in his face. He let go of your arm "What are you doing?" You cleared your throat before speaking "I was looking for everyone." He nodded "Okay, good I was just looking for you." He turned to walk in the opposite direction were you where going "Come on."

As you and and Vernon entered the room you were introduced to as the strategy room, Mingyu, Jun and Hoshi left running out talking quickly among each other.

"I already contacted RM. He says his team is working on the analysis. And that Jin and Jimin were already down at the HQ talking with the CEO. And now Jun, Hoshi and Mingyu are on their way for some details." S.Coups was informing his team as you sat down next to Dino on a barstool that was placed around a long table filled with papers containing vital information and codes. Woozi walked into the room with some circular disc looking thing, "I was talking with Suga, he says that his computer base got corrupted early this morning." He pulled up some holographioc image on the disc. "This was the only file that was saved to his computer." Woozi enlarged the picture. It was some sort of 3D print of a building. It was a building you knew very well. It was the HQ.

"This is where the break in happened." He focused on on spot, it was close to your father's office on the 9th floor. A very odd place for a break in. Woozi kept blabbering on about the details, but you were too lost and confused. When he stopped to take a breath you raised your hand, S.Coups immediately noticed you "Yes Dot?" You cleared your throat "May I ask what is happening?" Woozi gave an annoyed look and threw his head back, biting his chapped lower lip. S.Coups sighed disappointed in the younger leaders reaction. DK stood up and moved Woozi over. "So basically we have had experienced a series of break-ins on some of our different group bases. Agents and groups alike have been disappearing without trace and some even tortured and killed."

Your face contoured into a face of concern. This was completely new to you. Why hadn't anyone told you? This wasn't any joking matter. It was serious. People were dying. Why wasn't this a bigger concern for your father?

"We've been meaning to talk to you about this Dot." S.Coups began "We just don't want you to be scared or worried. We have everything under control." He gave you a comforting smile.

The next thing you knew everyone but you, Joshua, DK, Seungkwan and Woozi were the only ones left at the dorm. At the moment you were in the strategy room with everyone but Woozi, who was in his 'control room'. You were still left puzzled, not knowing exactly what was going on. Maybe they thought you were too young to understand or maybe they just didn't trust you yet.

Nothing had to be under watch right now. So you were basically just waited until further notice. "This is boring. I wish I was a field agent." Seungkwan groaned as he laid on the ground. DK flashed his friend and bright smile, "Not everyone is cut out for field work." Seungkwan rolled his eyes "They have the fun jobs." Joshua looked up from his phone "No. They risk their lives everytime they go out for missions. It's very scary. That's why I try to do as little missions as possible."  Seungkwan groaned "But still." You laughed on the inside.

"Hey, Dot wanna go spy on Woozi hyung?" Seungkwan suddenly perked up. "Uhh I don't think that's a good id-" before you knew it Seungkwan grabbed your hand "It's a great idea!" You knew you'd probably both die. In the less than 24 hours that you've been with them you have already heard the many horror stories of Woozi. Apparently he was trained to be an assassin, it was said he could take anyone out with anything. Even a guitar. But the agency favored his skills with tech and hacking more. So he became the residential hacker for the group known as Seventeen or SVT for short. Which you were now apart of. Wow that's gonna take a lot of getting used to.

Seungkwan led you down the hallway to Woozi's room by the hand. "Seungkwan I don't think this is a good idea." You whispered. "It's fine. He probably isn't busy." Seungkwan waved his hand in the air. "If you say so..." You mumbled as he slowly opened the door, that was surprisingly unlocked? "Hyung?" Seungkwan said nervously. He could tell something was wrong. "Stay behind me just in case Dot." He pulled you behind himself bravely as he pushed door open. You let out a loud gasp as soon as you saw the blood curdling scene in front of you. Woozi lay on the floor, blood staining his face as well as the carpet which is face was pushed against and glass lay scattered on the floor all around him. "HYUNG!" Seungkwan ran towards his friend in fear. You felt the tears gather in your eyes "Is he-?" You couldn't finish those words. "I don't think so... Go get the Joshua and DK please." You nodded and immediately started off to the strategy room. Oh God. Please don't let him be dead.

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