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*ring ring* S.Coups phone suddenly rang. He looked down to see Joshua's contact come up. He hushed the others and answered the phone "Oh thank the Lord your picked up," Joshua let go of a panicked breath. "What's wrong?" He asked the younger "It's Woozi. Somethings wrong. Y/N and Seungkwan found him unconscious on his room floor, blood everywhere and he is unresponsive. And we can't find Y/N. She is missing. We can't find her at all." At those words the tough leader could feel his heart strings tear. Woozi was one of his oldest and closet friends. And he was literally just put in charge of Y/N the beloved daughter of the CEO. How could this happen?! Soon panic and fear crept into his bones. He knew he had to be strong though and soon thought of a reason something like this happened."Okay. Let me call you back in a minute. Move his body to the bed." S.Coups said before hanging up and dialing another number.

"Hello?" Woozi's voice came though the phone. S.Coups let out a relieved sigh. All as the conversation went on they pulled up in front the S.I.A.T.A building. As soon as S.Coups learned of everything that happened he chuckled a little to himself as he hung up. The members of Seventeen jumped out of the black van and quickly walked into the HQ. "Mingyu, contact Joshua. Tell him Woozi and Dot are doing fine and that I'll explain later." Mingyu nodded and contacted him through their earpieces. As soon as they walked made it past the public room, they were greeted by a tall man with black hair. The leader from the BTS team. BTS was considered the best team of all. And every team learned to love and respect them.

"Hey RM. I heard Jin and Jimin are already here." S.Coups said as they all continued down the hall. The tallest male nodded his head and pointed ahead "They are with the CEO right now. Those two and Suga know the most about the about the situation right now, I don't know much, I just came back from Brazil." "I thought you were in Europe?" RM laughed "Why would any of us go to Europe?"

"HYUNG GET EVERYONE OUT OF THERE! THERE IS A BOMB!" Suddenly Woozi's voice alerted everyone. RM turned his head "Jin and Jimin are still here. I have to go get them!" Before he ran off S.Coups stopped him "Wait I'll go with you. Wonwoo you're in charge" Wonwoo suddenly looked panicked but accepted the order. "Jun, Mingyu you guys make it to the common area and alert everyone." He started to bark orders. S.Coups nodded approvingly and ran off with RM.

"I FREAKING MEAN IT GET EVERYONE OUT WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HYUNG!" Woozi watched the security camera of the hall which the two leaders ran down. "Two of the BTS members are inside, we are going back for them and the rest of the team is evacuating everyone." Woozi threw his glasses off. "What the hell is wrong with them!" You looked at him concerned. He took a deep breath and started to try to find the location of the bomb. "Dot. I need you to put in a call for Suga right now," The name seemed familiar but you didn't know why. "Um. I don't know what to do"  you said nervously. "Aw crap I forgot you're new." He sighed and did it himself.

"Suga hyung, do you know what's happening?" Woozi asked as an image of a handsome young man with almost similar features as Woozi appeared. "Yeah I know everything. I contacted the CEO and he already evaluated everyone." You looked at Woozi surprised, he seemed to catch on "Hyung what are you talking about? Both of our teams are evacuating everyone as we speak." An awkward silence passed "The CEO said that two of my members and his personal guards evacuated everyone." You both were at a lost for words. "Hyung I have a bad feeling you were lied to. I'm watching live footage and there are still people inside." Suga audibly gasped, "Hyung are you watching it?" Suga nodded his head as he continued to swiftly type on a keyboard "No I'm trying to find and defuse the bomb." Woozi face turned red as he grew angry "YOU MEAN NOBODY DID THAT YET?!"

"I mean we found how much time is left but nothing else." Suga said calmly as he tried to remain focused. "And how much time is left?" Woozi asked trying to calm his nerves. "Four minutes and thirty-two seconds." You could feel your palm become sweaty as the time ticked down. Woozi nodded and told his hyung to do the best possible job he could then switched over to S.Coups. "Hyung you have about four minutes and sixteen second left before the bomb goes off."

S.Coups said he already knew and we're working hard to find Jin, Jimin and the CEO."Hyung no they already left!" S.Coups and RM froze in their tracks. "What did you mean?" RM asked. "Suga informed me that they have already evaluated everyone including themselves. But it there are still people inside. I can see the rest of team evacuating everyone left." S.Coups gasped "He lied to us?" Woozi nodded "I believe so, but for what reason I am unsure of."

Suddenly there was a loud explosion and the communicator and security cameras went down in a black fuzzy mess. "What just happened?!" You asked worried. Woozi typed quickly trying to bring feed up. "Hyung? Hyung? Can you hear me? HYUNG!"

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