Vingt Neuf

496 22 10

9:30 pm, NYC, USA

"Hello, Alfred-kun."

"'Sup, Keeks! I really need advice right now."

"For what?"

"Well um... There's this person that I might like..."

"You need love advice? Why would you ask me?"

"Uh... because, one: I trust you. Two: I thought you might know stuff.. because y'know..."

"Because of the numerous angst and fluff you assume I've read?


"(Sighs) What do you want to know?"

"Well... um... how do I um.."


"Uh... how do I tell if they like me back?"

"Uhm... they'll most likely act differently. Uh... they might laugh at your jokes, no matter how stupid. They uh... they'll be more comfortable around you. I'm not really sure, though."

"Oh... but this person I like... well they don't really laugh much... and uh... they're not the type to be all cozy."

"Oh... well..."

"Uhm, aside from that... how do I confess to them?"

"Well... I... I'm going to send you a bunch of anime confessions, is that fine?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever helps. Thanks, Keeks!

"No problem, Alfred-kun."

"Really, though. Thanks a bunch, Kiku!"

"It's fine, Alfred. I'll send you the links now and I have to go eat lunch."

"M'kay! Talk soon!"

Beep beep beep...

"Who could it be, though?"

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