Trente Huit

495 22 13

8:30 pm, NYC, USA

"Hello, Alfred-kun?"

"Hey, Keeks..."

"What's wrong? You sound quite sad..."

"Huh? Oh it's nothing... um..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.. it's just... Arthur and I had a fight."


"It was..."


"You're probably uncomfortable now... (sighs) I can't do anything right..."

"N-no... If you want to talk about it, I am willing to listen. But if you don't, it's fine with me."


"Yes... that's what friends do, right?"



"(Sighs) We just... I guess we disagree too much... there are things about me that he can't bear and... well... I don't know..."


"I don't even know... why..."


"I mean, Arthur's a really good person but... I don't know. There used to be a spark between us every time but... I..."


"It doesn't seem like it's there anymore. It.... I don't know... (sighs) God, why is this so difficult for me?"

"Alfred-kun... I..."


"Never mind... I forgot what to say..."

"Oh... gah, I just want to make him happy but it's so hard! We always disagree and we— AGH! (Sobs) This... it's frustrating..."

"Alfred-kun... I... I wish I knew what to say... I'm so sorry..."

"I-it's f-fine, Keeks... But thank you for listening... god... I'm so stupid... no wonder Arthur and everyone else hates me..."

"Alfred-kun, never say that about yourself!"


"You are entertaining and amusing! You always manage to make me smile no matter what! You are anything but stupid! You always know what to say and you never say bad things about anyone! You encourage me whenever I look down on myself! You're just so... you're so amazing I can't put all of my feelings for you into words..."


"Alfred-kun... please... never say you're stupid or worthless! Never say everyone hates you! It's impossible to hate you! How could anyone ever hate you?! I love you so much, Alfred-kun! Don't think so lowly of yourself!"


"KUSO! I mean.... (breathes) You're a very good person, Alfred-kun. You're very close to me and very dear to me. I... I love talking to you and I enjoy your presence. I don't think you're stupid or worthless or anything bad. You... you're the closest friend I have..."



"(Sniffs) Did... did you really mean that?"

"Of course I did. Why would I ever lie?"



"T-thank you, Kiku..."

"For what?"

"For listening to me and... thank you for not hating me... even if I'm—"

"Don't say that. You're not any of the negative things you think you are, okay?"


"Good... and don't do anything to hurt yourself."


"And don't drink your sadness away."

"I'm underage."

"And don't do anything reckless."

"(Chuckles softly) Alright, mom."



"I'm still here."

"Thanks again..."

"You're... you're welcome..."

"I... I'll go now, Keeks, bye."

"Goodbye, Alfred-kun."

Beep beep beep...

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