
467 18 10

10:30 pm, NYC, USA

"Hey, Keeks, I finished the fic!"

"How was it?"

"I nearly threw up!"


"But don't worry, the hero still survives!"

"How are you so casual about this...?"

"Well, I guess that's because laughing the negative off as something positive is my style!"


"I really wanted to puke and punch the author for her cringy Engrish, but oh well!"


"Anyway, what do you wanna talk about today?"

"Oh.. um... well...."

"Oh, by the way, last January eleven was Alexander Hamilton's birthday!"


"Yep! I blasted all forty-six songs the entire day, which resulted in Matthew throwing red velvet cake at me!"

"... Wow."

"Heh... my life is kinda extra..."





"Hey, Alfred-kun?"


"Do you find it difficult to talk to me?"

"What? No!"

"Be honest, please. Don't try to spare my feelings."

"(Sighs) Well... uhm..."

"Don't worry, Alfred-kun. Just... be honest, please."

"Okay... it... kinda is...."


"I mean... sometimes I really don't know what to talk about which is weird since I always talk... and well... most of the time I'm the one carrying the conversation..."

"Oh... I'm sorry for that."

"Uh... But I still enjoy talking to you! It's just... sometimes I wish you would open up a bit more but don't worry if you don't want to you don't have to!"




"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine, Alfred-kun. Thank you for being honest."

"Okay... no hard feelings?"

"No... Oh, I have to go now. I'm sorry, I'll call you soon."

"Okie! Bye!"

Beep beep beep...


I did not die!


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