Chapter 6: Let's play twenty questions.

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Black's mansion above.

Amelia Smith

Adam Black still looks as handsome as he did in my dad's company. I look at his eyes and I see them slightly widened. He must also been surprised to see me but he's frowning though.


"So this is the Smith girl?" He asks Brian with a hint of surprise in his tone and something else?

Smith girl? What does that mean? He knows about me but doesn't know what I look like just like me with him.

"Yup." Brian answers.

"We've met." Adam begins then look into my eyes with a dark expression on his face.

I look around and see that Liam isn't there. He must have entered the house.

"I'm Amelia, it's nice to meet you." I smile at him sweetly.

"Adam." He just says and walks away.

Hmm. Once a jerk, always a jerk.



"I think all the guest rooms should be the same size-"


"And the bathrooms also."


"What?" I ask Liam who is looking at me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"I need to talk to you about something." He says seriously.

"Okay, I'm listening." I say, I drop my pencil.

We are currently in his room planning our project. For a guy, he's room looks really clean. Everything is white and grey in the room. He has a large beautiful king sized bed which I am currently sitting on. He's wearing black sweat pants and a grey shirt and his hair looks messy, as always. He looks really sexy.

"I'm really sorry about what Camilla did to you. I've been trying to talk to her but she hasn't been answering my calls." He says looking at his lap.


"Liam, it's fine really. You don't have to talk to her."

"I do. She wasn't supposed to talk to like that or any of my friends." He says sincerely.

"So we're friends now?" I smirk.

"If you want to." He says scratching the back of his head.

"I do." I smile. "But we have to get to know each other first."

"Okay, I really can't believe we're doing this now. We were supposed to do this since middle school, Amelia but I'm really glad we're going to become friends." He lips turn into a smile which melts my heart.

No, it doesn't.

"Me too." I smile back at him.

"I mean we were supposed to be like total BFFs!" He exclaims like a girl and that makes me laugh and he just chuckles.

"Let's play twenty questions." He says.


"Sure, why not? Aren't you bored of this project? Besides, we have enough time to finish it." He shrugs.

"Alright, you first." I smile at him.

"Okay. Who do like better Emily or Nicole?" He narrows his eyes at me.

Omg! How can he ask me that?

"I honestly don't know because I love them both, equally. How can you even ask that?" I glare playfully.

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