Chapter 49: We know who X is.

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Amelia' s hands above.

Amelia Smith

My head hurts. I groan in pain as I try to stretch my legs. I think my whole body hurts. My hands are tied up and I think I'm lying on the floor. Struggling, I finally sit up with a sigh and I see a familiar figure lying down beside me.

"Camilla," I whisper.

She moves a little. "Camilla!" I whisper yell this time.

Wherever we are, it's so dark but there's a little peek of light that's coming from the small window.

"What's going on?" Camilla groans and tries to sit up. She also leans against the wall and tries to move her hands. "Why are my hands tied up?" She asks and tries to move her hands from her back but she fails miserably.

"Dude, look! The ladies are awake." I see a redhead guy nudges another guy. The other guy just shrugs and continues smoking cigarette so the starts walking over us.

"Hello, beautiful." The redhead reaches me and starts stroking my face. I shake my head away to remove his hand.

"Playing hard to get, I see." He grabs both of my arms and starts running his fingers on them while I shiver in disgust. "Stop," I scream and tears start falling for my eyes.

"Get off her, asshole." Camilla

He presses his index finger to his lips. "Shhhh, we're going to have so much fun." He starts kissing all over my face and I keep struggling out of his hold. "Please stop." I cry.

"Leave her alone!" Camilla shouts at him but he continues his actions.

"No." He starts running his thumb over my bottom lips so I do the first thing that pops up in my mind. I bite him, hard.

"Bitch!" He pulls his hand away and shakes it. In a blink of an eye, his palm meets my face.

Fuck! The stinging pain in my cheek makes me scream again.

Is this how it hurts to be slapped?

"Let's go." His friend grabs him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I try to rub my cheek with my shoulder. It stings so bad. I've never been slapped in my life. This is the first time.


"Wake up."

I open my eyes with a yawn and I see a short man holding a water bottle in his hand.

"Who are you?" I frown.

The man just drops the bottle and leaves the room. How the hell am I supposed to drink the water? My hands are fucking tide up!

Maybe it's not even water, maybe it's an acid that someone wants to pour on my face!

"He's one of them," Ian says.

"One of.... wait. What are you doing here, Ian?" I look at him confused.

I look around and I see the same room I saw in my dream and Ian, Jacob and Camilla looking at me with confused faces.

We are now sitting in a circle, sitting on and tied up to metal chairs.

Oh my God.

"It wasn't a dream?" I panic.

"What?" Jacob looks at me like I've lost my mind.

"You passed out after that dude slapped you," Camilla tells me.

So it really wasn't a dream. I was slapped!

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