Chapter 61: I'm not married.

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Jasmine's outfit above.

Amelia Smith

"You went with him to London, didn't you?"

Jasmine, Chloe, and I decided to go with Emily to a Victoria Secret store. A few blocks after the store, we saw a gypsy sign.

A gypsy is a member of a traveling people traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune-telling.

Jasmine decided that she wants fortune-telling and we followed the sign and ended up standing here in this some sort of antique shop.

"She's talking to you." Chloe nudges me.

I look at the creepy looking old lady with dark hair and beads hanging around her neck.

"Excuse me?" I speak.

"Your husband, you went to London with your husband." She says.

"Oh, I'm not married." I laugh.

"But I can feel it coming." She says.

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Your wedding."

What the heck?

"I'm not even engaged yet," I tell her, looking at her weirdly.

I don't believe in this stuff. It's crazy.

"He has dark hair and brown eyes. You both went to London a few months ago." She says and that catches me.

Liam's hair is black and he has brown eyes.

"Are you sure about what you're saying?" I ask.

She gives me a smile. "Yes, I never get it wrong. You're going to make a beautiful bride and your husband is a very handsome man." She closes her eyes. "He's also very rich."

"I'm rich too," I tell her.

"But you'll be richer after the wedding." She smiles knowingly.

"This is getting weirder, I'm out of here." I head out and wait outside for my friends.

That's the weirdest thing I've ever experienced.

But is she right though?

Is Liam going to propose?

Am I ready to marry him? Heck yes!


I sigh as I enter my room. What a day!

I look over my couch and I see a bouquet of roses with some designer shopping bag.

There's a knock on my door so I ask the person to come in. A maid comes in and I smile at her.

"These were brought when you were out with your friends, Miss Smith." She says after she motions at my couch.

"By who?"

"A driver from the blacks."

I nod my head. "Thanks, Dorothy."

She leaves and I notice a note tucked in the roses. I take it and a smile grows on my face as I read it.

My mum dragged me to go shopping with her so I got you these. Love you.


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