Chapter 30: I know who it is.

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Amelia's house's interior above.

Amelia Smith

I'm standing in front of the mirror, looking at my body. Did I gain weight?

The dress that Juliet brought this morning didn't fit me around the bust and waist. The lower body fits perfectly though.

I put my hands on my boobs to see if they've grown bigger. I tilt my body to get a better view in the mirror. I think they have.

"Who is hosting the ball this year?" I ask my mum, who is getting her hands manicured.

"The Williams." She replies.

"Really?" I turn from the mirror and look at her.

"Yeah, you know they came back from Berlin not long ago. They haven't hosted the ball before." She crosses her legs as the woman applies a blue liquid on her hands.

"Yeah, but is it Jacob or Tyler's family?"

"Jacob's. Tyler's hosted back in 2008."


I didn't know that Jacob's family is hosting the council's ball. He never said anything about it even times when we talk about the ball.

"Mum, do you think my boobs have grown bigger?" I blurt.

My mum raises her eyebrow at me, probably surprised that I asked her in front of the manicurist. "Don't you want them to?"

"Yes!" I cry out.

"Well, I think they have!" My mum shrugs.


"What, Amelia?" She asks in a bored tone.

"Don't say it like that! Like you don't care." I frown at her.

"Honey, I'm tired. Can we talk about your boobs later?" She sighs.

I let out a huff sound and leave the room.

My mum is being annoying even though she did looked and sounded tired.

I go back to my room and unplug my phone from the charger. I see a missed video call from Nicole so I call her back.

"Hey." I smile at her face pops on my phone screen.

"Jamie is going to the ball!" She screams excitedly.

"Well duh!" I roll my eyes at her.

"I mean, I didn't expect him to go! You know none of us has seen him in like forever. Oh my God! I'm so excited. He's going to look hot in his suit. I hope he sits with us." She rambles.

It hurts to see her talk about Jamie like this. I'm tired of hiding it from her. I have to tell her.

She needs to know that Jamie has a girlfriend and that person is Camilla George.

"Nicole, I need to tell you something after the ball tonight," I inform her.

I won't tell her now. I want her to have fun and enjoy the ball.

"Okay. I also want to tell you about this actor I met in LA. And before you start, no I don't like him. He just asked for my number and I gave it to him." She says, stroking her hair.

"Really?!" I squeal. "Tell me more, tell me more. Is he hot? And like a big-time celebrity?"

I'm so excited for her.

"I will tell you after the ball. My makeup artist is here. Bye!" She sticks her tongue out and hangs up.

How rude?

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