Chapter 38: You look like a princess.

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Amelia's car above.

Amelia Smith

I make a mental list of things I should do as I take my shower.

1. Have dinner with my siblings.

I miss them.

2. Talk to my mum about the bunch of work I have on this holiday.

I am so not doing Victoria Secret. I can't travel all the way to China!

3. Relationship talk with my girls.

About Jasmine's date, Chloe and Jacob, Nicole and Brandon, Emily and Colton.

4. Have a party.

Definitely! I used to have the coolest parties and I noticed that lately, I've been losing my party girl vibe. I need to be more at ease.

5. Take X more seriously.

Yes, I have to. I'm tired of getting those stupid text messages from him/her. I also want to know who the thirteenth person is.

6. Make this right with Liam and make sure he is not madder at me.

I dry my hair, put on my bathrobe, and go out of the bathroom. "What are you doing here?" I ask Austin, who is lying down on my bed with my phone in his hand.

"Nothing. I just came to check up on you." He says and drops the phone.

"Oh, thanks." I smile at him. "I was just thinking that maybe you, Mae, and I could go somewhere. A dinner maybe." I suggest.

Austin is the softie of the house. He cares about everyone and he's so kind. I know that I'm not that close with my siblings but I love them. They are both so amazing.

"Yeah, that will be great." He says and gets up from the bed. "Tell me when you decide where we're going."

"Ok." I go into my closet and pull out my underwear.

"Are you going somewhere?" Austin calls.

"Yeah, I'm going shopping with Tyler," I call back as I clip my bra.

All the girls are busy and getting ready for today. Tyler was the only person that I could get to go shopping with me. I'm wearing two dresses. A short one and a long Ralph and Russo gown which I had my fitting last week.

Romeo brought short dresses yesterday but I didn't like any of them so I decided to go out and buy a new one today.

"You know, Liam and I went bowling yesterday. He told me you two had a fight." He says.

So he wants to hang out with my brother but not me. Great.

I sigh. "Yes, we did."

"I know it was your fault."

I peek my head out. "No, it wasn't!"

"Whatever, you two should make up already."

I finish getting dressed and go out of the closet, pulling my hair in a ponytail.

"We will. I have to go now." I hug him. "I'll see you at the party," I say.


I press the bell to Jacob's suite and patiently wait for some to open the door. I can hear music blasting through the walls.

Are they having a party?

This early?

I press the doorbell again and in a few seconds, Brian opens the door. "Here to join the party?" He smirks at me.

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