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The moon was gracious this once in making the hallways deserted as the omegas were all in the kitchens or in the ballroom. They could do fine without me, no one would know I left...well one man would, but he would go about his business anyway. It was the biggest event of the year, no one of importance would leave unnoticed, especially him. He won't look for me.

I stepped into my little room, wanting to just disappear and seep into the ground, he would never find interest in me. Why would he? I'm short, ordinary, pale, quiet, weak-
ok ok I get it stop making yourself depressed!! You need to get your shit together. Get thy shiteth together!

The room was small and cozy, my heart still jumping at my chest, as I slip off my shoes by the door and walk to my dresser wanting to just retire for the evening.
But my heart just can't take it, why was I still hearing that music echoing from upstairs? why! Why was the pull between us getting stronger, I could feel him, I could sense him near, the moon goddess was truly cruel.
Facing away from the the door, I slip my zipper down, exposing my back, too tired and clouded to-

Rough hands drag the zipper down with a force, burning my back with sparks, his aura of utter dominance and strength making my knees weaker.
I gasp at the first contact we have, skin grazing skin, scorching a path.

The Alpha and Me miss nobodyWhere stories live. Discover now