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Why am I bothering again this year? I really have no clue. All they have to do is follow my orders, and boom, there's 'peace' .
But no, they have to throw a ball. What a load of shit. Some fuckers want to dance and show off their wife's diamonds to some other hag, but all in the name of fucking peace. I should just kill the lot and start from scratch.

That fucking moon goddess gave me some weak ass underlings, why do I bother?
Now that is a question I keep asking myself...why do I bother?

I don't have a reason to bother. I don't have a mate and I don't need one. That bitch of a moon has cursed me enough with idiots to rule over, why would that thing gift me a mate to weaken me. I gave up years ago with that fate shit, and now my only joy is scaring the shit out of these buffoons, but they need fear. That's the reason for my existence, to balance the power. The Alphas need something to keep them on a leash = me.

I get into my car and drive, as if I'd even consider being on time, no point in coming early for a bunch of fuckers to kiss my ass all evening. Would I enjoy shredding them to pieces, get some more blood on my hands, it has been a while since I massacred some annoying pups. But now that there's peace, my life has gotten easier, so I'll let this one slide.

I just couldn't give a fuck at this point.

What's my reason to do anything, the only talent I have is killing, putting some fear into those pawns. So I guess I'll have to do just that from now on, maybe I should let a few rogues go crazy just liven up the entertainment. They'll wreck havoc and I'll watch laughing, then I'll kill them. Oh what a cycle.

Who's the host again?...ah the White Moon pack? It has been a while, a few years ago they hosted but I couldn't bother to come, I was hunting a traitor. However I know that they are one of the wealthy packs, a large one at that. So I'll get some alcohol and endure the constant babbling of the Alphas complaining about rogues. Great. I wish I could just get drunk, but my body simply burns the alcohol off, not even making me tipsy.

The front gate is open and welcoming, I park on the grass, and make my way to this shit show. Up the stairs, to the left, yeah yeah been here before, nothing new.

I really should just kill them all and get it over with, it would be fun-

I stiffen, the smell was seeping out from the entrance doors to the ball room, I wasn't even near the doors yet it was calling me.

It can't be.

I charge at the doors, forcing them open, and there it was, that smell, coming off of the woman at the back - my mate. And oh did she smell delicious. My fists clenched, trying to get in control, my mind was losing focus, that fucking sent.

But I couldn't go to her, she'll make me weak, and these cunts would use her against me, I can tell a few Alphas are just itching to kill me.

Despite that pull digging into my chest, making me detest the insects in front of me for not being her, I had to stay in control, as if I'd mark her in front of the entire ball- well it's not a bad idea. But she's probably scared of me, and she should be.

Instincts won over my body, making me look over, almost too harshly, to be faced with those blue eyes. Fuck I'm already whipped. I might just go crazy and give in to my instinct to grab her off that fucking wall- stop. She's heard the stories about me. I have to take it...slow...fuckin hell just saying that makes me cringe, you'll scare her to death otherwise.

She was so far away, but my eyesight is stronger than the ordinary werewolf, so it was as if she were standing right before me, yet the pull was an annoying fucking scratch telling me she's not. I could feel my feet begin to walk straight to her, and I'd let them, but some twat just had to come 'welcome' me. Yeah I fucking get it. You all don't want me to kill you.

Shit. I have to get a grip- oh but what I'd do to just take her right here, and I don't care who watches.

My sight is full of her, any chance I get, I'd look to her. Silently telling her 'later' and she understood.
So my mate was a smart little thing eh. I could feel a smirk threatening its way. For once, I think I'll thank the Moon- nope that bitch can choke for all I care.

She was dressed the same as all the other omegas, yet she existed solely for me. Gaining my utter attention. My eyes would spot her within a crowd of thousands, draw to her only. Why did I say I didn't want a mate again?...

Throughout the night, as deals were made and complaints became a pile for me to get to work on, I'd always find myself fucking seeking her. That sent might choke me and I'd enjoy death.

But...an omega? Would she really be able to handle the threat that being my mate would entail. She'd be in constant danger...could I take that risk? I know of the consequences for the death of ones mate, absolute self destruction.

But a sigh, undetected by ordinary hearing, caught my attention already at her disposal. That broken sigh, is she hurt? Who the fuck would hurt her, I could feel the anger surge into my blood, as a growl shook those around me, making them step back in complete fear. I look to her-

She left.

Ha. That's funny. As if she'd get away. Nice try sweet heart but you don't know who you've been mated to.

I march to her direction, easy when everyone moves away from you at the slightest step. Being the boss has its many perks.

I follow her, she's below in the maids quarters, now for the first time in my existence, I regret not attending the last time her pack hosted, I could have found her years ago for fuck sake.

Then the source to all my problems is behind a small wooden door, what an unexpected turn...that I don't seem to mind.

I open it, overwhelmed my her presence, fuck what I'd enjoy doing to her!

And the fucking little minx had to be unzipping her dress, exposing more and more, what a fucking tease.

And for the first time, I think I'll enjoy helping someone do a task. Because getting her out of that fucking dress is now my top priority.

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