四 [ In Pain ] ⚠

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Update 4: Shizuo Heiwajima, In pain.

He was left speechless. He'd never seen Izaya with such eyes. He is conscious, his mind was in normal state but his body and desires moved on their own.

Why the hell did he want to do that? to make it worst why would be with the flea?

He growled as he felt the pain from his abs, it is bleeding but why is he feeling the pain?

As he run to his apartment he felt his body like it's going to break into pieces. He was cold and his wound are burning.

When he reached his apartment, he rush to the toilet and vomit. He's experiencing a great pain and he don't know why, probably not because with the pathetic wound.

He limply dragged himself in his bed. He's head was spinning. Izaya! He remembered kissing Izaya. He groan, he did not just kiss Izaya, he hurt the vulnerable man too. What was he thinking? Why did he do that? that's just a few question in a thousands on what's he’s thinking.


Days passed and Shizuo didn't even come outside his house, he just wanted to rest and sleep but he can't stand the fact that he was thinking about Izaya.

He's a little anxious, he don't want to see Izaya but he want to see Izaya too. His mind was muddled.

He really don't know what he feels right now. Is he having this

"Undiscovered Feelings?"

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