二十二 [ True wish ] ⭐ ( Part two )

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Update 22: Shizaya Heiwahara, True Wish ( Part two )

"Hahaha! Now, I can dominate you SHI. ZU. CHA-N~"

"UGH! Hell you can! I won't let it happen."

"WHOAH! resisting huh? You can't overpower me, Monster... oops! Flea."

"DAMN YOU! Get off me louse or I'll kill you!"

"Ne, Let's resume."

"Stop smiling! It's too creepy! Shit! How can this happening!!!" Izaya... oh excuse me, Shizuo yelled to the man on his top who was once his body.

You see... their bodies had switched and Izaya had come to this crazy Idea of topping Shizuo right now. I repeat, Izaya Orihara is now in Shizuo's Body and Shizuo Heiwajima is now in Izaya's body. BODY SWITCHED.

"Shizu-chan, we can't do anything except of waiting. This is the first time I've seen, heard and experience such thing. Besides, I kinda liking this you know. Now, I can finally kill youー Owww!" Izaya was cut by a forceful kick in the thigh. Actually, Shizuo was really aiming for his balls but... he realized that, that's his body and He certainly don't want to be unable to have children.

"Look, I don't want to hurt my body anymore so you better shut up or else... Things will be fvcked up for you." The raven said(Shizuo) menacingly while leaning his face close to the blonde(Izaya).

Izaya furrowed his brows and then grab Shizuo's hands, restraining it with his one hand. Yeah, it was weird. Harrassing your own body and your own face. "You can't order me around SHIZUO! Ugh! You don't know the feeling when someone has stepped into your dignity and pride. You know me, I am superior but when I'm with you... I felt like a real LOUSE!" Izaya said, straddling Shizuo down.

( if I said raven, it means Shizuo. If I said blonde, it means Izaya )

The raven looked away, damn how can he stare at his own face when it has a pathetic expression. "And now you're doing this for revenge? Soー"

"Damn No!" Izaya shouted. He looked down, covering his face with his blonde locks.

Then slowly, lifted his head and grinned like a maniac. Shizuo got irritated, seeing his face like a pyscho. "I'm doing this for fun! Come on just participate!"

"Ugh, stop doing weird things with my body." Shizuo said, brows knitted in anger.

"And stop frowning like an old man with my face, would ya?" Izaya retorted.

They stared with each other for a while, Izaya still holding Shizuo's hands. Suddenly, Shizuo lifted his head up and gave Izaya a quick peck in the lips. "Got ya! Flea." He smiled then stick his tongue out, teasingly.

"You, monster!" Izaya growl. He then kissed Shizuo, sucking the raven's tongue in the process. Oh fvck, Izaya don't know why his hormones are acting weird. Must be... because Shizuos' body is a FREAKING PERVERT!

Shizuo closed his eyes, heck! It feels freaking disturbing making out with your own face. He then, moved his tongue with Izaya, not letting the blonde to dominate him.

That escalated quickly.

"Hmmmpー Izaya! I can't" Shizuo pushed Izaya's head away.

"What? I'm fine. Why can't you?" Izaya said, rolling his eyes. Shizuo face palmed, damn! It really feels creepy when Izaya do that.

Shizuo sat up "I just can't... I wanted to do it so badly but! Ugh I just can't! It's so disgusting.Damn!" The raven rubbed his hand on his face in irritated manner. Izaya pouted then got off from Shizuo.

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