五 [ Acting Like a Highschool Girl ] ♥

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Update 5: Izaya Orihara, Acting like a highschool girl.

After the incident with Shizuo, Izaya stayed at his home the whole day. The scene kept flashing back in his head and he find himself not hating it. It's odd but he think it was a good feeling. The raven was losing his cool, slapping himself.

"Fцck! Shįt! Dammit!" He muttered, tugging his own black locks. He was supposed to hate the Monster into the core, but as he think of it he is getting more excited to see the blonde. He act like a freakin' high school girl with a boyfriend. He even forget the head he was looking for.

He open his account on the dollar site to occupied his head with other things not relating to Shizuo.

Kanra joined in the chat room

Kanra: Hello guys~ ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Tanaka Taro: Hi Kanra-San.

Setton: Good day to you two.

Kanra: Any interesting news about Ikebukuro? You see I'm kinda off this day. !?(・_・;?

Tanaka Taro: I see, I think there's nothing new. Izaya Orihara-San and Shizuo Heiwajima-San were out of sight today. So it's kinda peaceful.

Setton: Yeah! Heiwajima-San didn't shown up today. Maybe he's resting.

Kanra: Ohhhh? (・Д・)ノ must been realize what he'd done to Izaya-San.

Setton: What? Izaya was the one who cause him troubles. Why would he be so down for that?

Tanaka Taro: Uh... He might be I guess? 'cause it seems to me that they're actually had a special relationship. Not romantic but friendship. Ugh?

Setton: They.are.not.


Tanaka Taro: Kanra-San...?

Setton: Kanra?

Kanra: Uh! (⌒-⌒; ) I just remembered. I had something to do.

Kanra left the chat room

Izaya sigh heavily as he logged out from the site. He can't avoid Shizuo. Even people think they are friends. He didn't know if he should act depress or disgust.

He decided to go to Ikebukuro and piss Shizuo off. He need that daily dose of happiness so his life get even brighter even if it's just a little.


Izaya skip to his shoes with his hands stuffed on the pocket of his black fur coat. He get out one of his hands and catch the falling snow flakes in his palm.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii!~ Izaya-San." He shifted his gaze to Erika with Kadota's gang in the parking lot fixing their look like a not working van.

He smirk and crashed the snowflake in his palm and look at the brunette.

"Oh, hello Erika-chan." Erika went In front of him.

"Izaya-San, I saw Shizu-Chan kissing you." The girl said with a creepy voice and a creepy smile.

Izaya knitted his brows and grin evilly. Kadota and Walker feel Izaya's threat so they watch the two, carefully.

He suddenly become calm and smirk coolly to the girl. "Is that the best you got to surprise and make me ill, Erika-Chan?" Erika, 'oooed' and sneered.

"But Izaya-kun, I really saw it. You were pushed up against the wall as Shizu-Chan kiss you like a monster. Hiiiiii!" The fujoshi giggle maniacally.

Izaya, quickly put his guard up and use all his will to not burst out and hurt Erika. He remained calm, compose and smirking like a cool dude.

"Erika-Chan... do you have proof? I'm not so please hearing those horrible things from that playful mouth of yours." Erika then shuffled through her pocket and grabbed her phone. She fiddles with it for a while and shoved it to Izaya's face.

"Oh~ Look at this Izaya-Kun~" Izaya grab Erika's wrist, hurting the girl. In many people that lived in Ikebukuro, why would be the fujoshi-freak have to witnessed that gross scene.

Walker immediately come to her, pulling her wrist to Izaya's grip.

"Izaya, what's the matter?" Kadota ask, walking in front of Erika. Erika's grin didn't left in her face.

The sadist male remain cool, he don't want the people to saw his "Troubled-Pissed-Confused face."

"Dotachin~ Erika-chan make fun of me. She's so mean~" It can't be help, Kadota don't want the other details. The InfoBroker always get his way out, so it's nonsense to ask the raven.

The latter smiles widely and skipped away from Kadota's gang.

"Ja na~"


WY: Gomenasai~ My vocabulary was limited only XD That's why I'm "too repetitive" Gomenasaiiii~ really TT_____________TT. Help me~~~~ Nyaw~ XD

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