Was It All a Lie?

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Bryce's POV

It's two months later and filming has been going great. I feel like I am finally happy and found someone who likes me as much as I like him. We do not have a label for what we are and although I haven't told him yet, I want to be more. After we film our duet scene in the movie where Malachi and Maverick meet for the first time, I go to craft services to get food. As I am on my way back to my trailer, I see Jordan's trailer is open. So I decide to bring him his favorite drink and snack when I hear Jordan talking with someone I recognize but cannot think of her name. 

I hear her say, "Is something going on with Bryce and you? You two are awfully close." I get closer to the door to hear what Jordan has to say.

Jordan replies, "No. He is just someone I am working with." Ouch, that hurt a little. Maybe he is lying to her.

The girl says, "Really? Then why did Olivia tell me you kissed him?"

Jordan then responds, "I kissed him to calm him down and because I was told to. I would never have feelings for a guy like Bryce."

It's like my whole world came crashing down. Was I just a charity case to him? Did he mean anything he told me? Has he been lying to me this whole time. Not being able to handle it anymore, I text Liv to pick me up and run away from the trailer, dropping the drinks and food. She asks me what is wrong and I tell her that I will tell her later.

10 minutes later, Liv arrives and lets me in her car. She just looks at me and I start bawling. She pulls over and hugs me. We then go to her house.

Liv says, "I'll grab the ice cream and Titanic and you just relax."

I nod and sit in her bed. My phone is blowing up from calls from my agent, Jordan, my friends, and the director. I tell the director that something came up and I had to leave. Liv called my agent to have her come over. When my agent arrives, Liv lets her in. My agent then asks me the dreaded question: "What happened?"

I tell her and Liv what I overheard Jordan saying and just breakdown. Liv has no expression on her face and my agent hugs me.

My agent asks me "I am so sorry this happened, but what do you want to do? Do you want to continue the movie, back out, get revenge, or just do nothing? Whatever you decide, I will support you." Liv answers for me, "Can we tell the director to not film Bryce's scenes until the end?" My agent then states, "I can, but what will we do to get back at Jordan?" I pipe in and say, "I will post a cover of a song I want to sing and then take a break from everything. I will mention how because of a broken heart, I will be taking a break from everything and subtly mention Jordan. In the meantime, I have to talk to Colton."

They both look at me like I have lost my mind, but I tell them that I know what I am doing. I go outside and FaceTime Colton. Colton is my best friend from the Flash/Arrow cast and told me before anyone else he was gay. We helped each other through our struggle of coming out. 

Colton answers the phone, "Did something happen? You always text me. Why are you calling me?"

I tell him what happened and he looks at me and says, "What do you want me to do?" I tell him my plan. My plan is simple: Channel my super-villain alter ego from the Flash, Synemma, and make Jordan regret ever toying with me. Colton agrees and I tell my agent, Olivia, and Flash cast what is going on. It's time to prove to Jordan and the world I am strong and don't care what they think. No one messes with Bryce Stryker and gets away with it!

Jordan's POV

I just finished a scene with Bryce and it was incredible. I go to my trailer to rest up before the next scene: the kiss scene. I see that Joy in my trailer. She looks mad at me. The second I walk into the door, she yells at me. She screams, "Is something going on with Bryce and you? You two are awfully close!"

I reply, "No. He is just someone I am working with." I immediately regret what I say, but I do not like her tone with me

Joy smirks and says, "Really? Then why did Olivia tell me you kissed him?"

I then make what I did not realize would be the biggest mistake and say, "I kissed him to calm him down and because I was told to. I would never have feelings for a guy like Bryce."

I hear something drop outside my door and I look outside to see cups on the ground but nobody there. Joy comes outside and says, "My job is done here." 

I don't know what she means. I want to talk to Bryce because he calms me down. He makes me a better person. I cannot find him anywhere. I go to Kenny, the director, and ask him where Bryce is. Kenny tells me, "Bryce went home to deal with a personal matter and does not wish to speak to me."

I start to worry. What happened to Bryce and why does he not want to talk to me? I try to call Liv but she blocked my number and Bryce did the same thing. I can't think of what happened. 

The next day, my agent calls me to come see her immediately. When I arrive, she pulls up a laptop and says, "Hit play." I think I am about to find my answer.

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