Love is a Battlefield

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Bryce's POV

The first night ends and Alison and I are talking when I feel a firm grip on my wrist drag me away to the nearby hallway. I look up and see the same mesmerizing eyes I fell in love with: Jordan's. He looks mad at me. I don't know how it was possible but possessive and angry Jordan is hotter than he is normally.

Jordan says, "Hey! Way to make an exit and entrance! You could have told me!"

I look at him and spit out, "Oh really? I didn't think you deserved a warning after what you did to me! I heard you that day on set! I was going to surprise you and ask you out by getting your favorite drink and snack and give you this!" I hand Jordan the watch with his name engraved in it. He had wanted a watch after losing his father's so I found the exact same make and model and had them engrave his name in one and my name in another. He looks at the watch and I see a tear slip out. I know I am supposed to be mad at him, but I don't like seeing him, or anyone else for that matter, upset.

He looks up at me and says, "Look, I am sorry. I have deserved everything you have thrown at me these past two months..." I look at him confused. He continues, "Do you not think I know what you and Olivia have been doing? I know you used Colton to make me jealous and SUBTLY called me out in your See You Later video, which I loved by the way. I am sorry for not being strong enough to stick up for our love. I will forever regret that and will work my hardest to win you back. I hope you come back to the movie and talk to me during the season. I cannot imagine being so close to the love of my life and having them hate and not talk to me. Anyways, best of luck in the competition Cinderella!"

I see him walking away and I begin to cry. I do not hate him and I want him here next to me. I run up to him and spin him around so he is facing me. Before he gets a chance to question what I am doing, I kissed him and walked away, leaving him speechless. He reaches into his pocket and sees the note I slipped in, which read:


I forgive you. I forgave you the second I got in Liv's car. I tried to be mad at you and get revenge at you but I can't anymore. I miss you. I understand that you are scared. I will not push you to make up your mind about us. I just want you to do your best in this competition and let's keep up the ruse and act like we are battling. Let's put on the greatest show this audience has ever seen. Only you and I have to know. Text me if you agree and want to talk.



I see his face blush and look at me. No words are said, but there is a mutual understanding. I get a text later that night from an unknown number. It says, "Bring it on Cinderella. From Prince Charming." I smile looking at the text.

Jordan's POV

I cannot believe what just happened! Bryce is here. Even though he is dressed up as Synemma and called me out, it was hot to see him back to the guy I fell in love with on tv: full of passion, sass, and confidence. I see Bryce and drag him away from everyone before anyone can talk to him. I look at him and say, "Hey! Way to make an exit and entrance! You could have told me!"

Bryce spits out, "Oh really? I didn't think you deserved a warning after what you did to me! I heard you that day on set! I was going to surprise you and ask you out by getting your favorite drink and snack and give you this!"

I look at what is in Bryce's hand and see it is a watch. Not just any watch, but an exact replica of my dad's watch with his name and my name engraved in it. My heart drops. I am the reason why Bryce left and stopped doing what he loved? Wow. I messed up.

My heart speaks for me and says, "Look, I am sorry. I have deserved everything you have thrown at me these past two months..." He stares at me confused. I continue,

"Do you not think I don't know what you and Olivia have been doing? I know you used Colton to make me jealous and SUBTLY called me out in your See You Later video, which I loved by the way. I am sorry for not being strong enough to stick up for our love.  I will forever regret that and will work my hardest to win you back. I hope you come back to the movie and talk to me during the season. I cannot imagine being so close to the love of my life and having them hate and not talk to me. Anyways, best of luck in the competition Cinderella!"

I leave him, not expecting him to respond. I feel myself getting turned around and before I get a chance to react, I am met with the same lips I have been dying to kiss for a long time. I feel something put in my suit pocket. I feel in my pocket to find a note. After reading it, I smile. How could he forgive me? I really lucked out. I need to prove to him that I am ready to be with him and that I love him. I will go along with whatever he wants to make him happy.

I get home and my brother and sister ask me how it went. I just smiled and went to my room. I lay down in my bed and text Bryce.

"Bring it on Cinderella. From Prince Charming."

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