Chapter 7

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Felix's POV 

Ok so far I have presents for Jack, Emma, Pj, and Signe, now for the tricky gift Marzia's. I think I know what to get her but I'm not sure how she'll feel about it. I was thinking about some sort of promise ring for her since we have been getting closer and I thought it'd be something I could use to ask her out 

I walk into the jewelry store and to the counter where a older woman is standing "Hello how may I help you sir?" I smile at her kindness "Hi, I'm here to get sort of a promise ring for the girl I'm hoping to ask out" Her smile wideness "Of course! Any specifics?" "Not really, just show me what you've got" She nods 

"Ok well here are some that may interest you" She brings me over to the other side of the counter and I look through the glass counter top when I notice one. "Can I get that please?"

(her actual promise ring)

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(her actual promise ring)

The woman nods "Of course" I hope Marzia likes it 

Marzia's POV

I walk into the gaming store in the mall and walk around looking for anything that he'd like though anytime I tried to ask a worker for help no one understood me. No one in this store knows sign language apparently 

I groan and sit down on a chair that was in the store.

How am I supposed to find something to buy him if I can't communicate with anyone in here? I look over and smile widely at who I see 

Quickly I jump up and run out to Signe "Hey Marzia! What are you doing?" 'Here to get something for Felix for Christmas, can you help?' she nods "Sure what are you thinking to get him?" 'something to do with gaming or his work' "Ok that shouldn't be hard, I'm already here for Sean so we're looking for the same things basically" I 'chuckle' and nod 

After walking around for a while I ended with 3 gifts for Felix. I got him a new sweater since it's been pretty cold, a metal ring with Zelda imprints on it (actual thing that I want lol), and a new set of gaming headphones since he said he'd like another pair.

I felt horrible though since Signe had to buy the headphones since I ran out of money. I should really get a job here, I want to help Felix some more since he's been letting me stay there. It's the main reason I cook him breakfast, I also just like to cook 

It's always been hard to get a normal job though considering, what the boss' always call, my 'disease/disorder' I've tried to explain it's just a handicap but they never listen- or I guess watch my hands

"You wanna grab food then head to mine and Sean's to wrap?" I nod when I notice Felix. Quickly I duck into the nearest store, which was a store where you buy baby supplies, and Signe followed after 

"Are you ok?" "I saw Felix and he doesn't know I'm here, I'm surprising him with gifts" She nods in understanding  "Signe?" I duck behind a shelf at Felix's voice and listen to them talk 

"oh Hey Fe! What're you doing here?" "Buying gifts, why are you in the baby area?" "Uhm....I- Sean and I- my baby cousin is in town" "Oh ok, are we still doing the Christmas party at y'alls place?" She nods "Always! He'll be gone by today" "Awesome, I can't wait to give everyone their gifts though I should get home to Marzia" "Oh! Actually she and I are meeting at mine and Sean's house to wrap presents" 

They say goodbye and I walk out after he leaves "Ready to head out?" I nod and we walk to their house though I make sure she can't see her present 

While we're wrapping Jack comes downstairs "Princess? Why did Felix just ask if you're pregnant?" Signe and I die of laughter "Marzia and I were buying presents and she didn't want Felix to know she was buying him stuff so we ducked in the closest store which was a baby supply store"  

"Ah, ok makes since now. But what do I tell him" "Just say that I'm babysitting my baby cousin today that's what I said, now go! You can't see your presents!" he laughs and goes back upstairs 

'you two are adorable' I signal making her turn red "So are you and Felix" She tries 'Felix doesn't call me princess' her face turns a brighter red "Ok can we just finish wrapping?" I 'laugh' and nod so we continue until we finished 

After everything was wrapped and ready I started my walk home with the presents in a backpack Signe let me borrow 

When I left it started to get darker. I should hurry or Felix with start to worry. 

While walking down the sidewalk to Felix's house it was quite. Though it makes since due to where he lived. We're in a small quiet neighborhood so fans don't find him but the silence did creep me out a little especially when I heard a low cough 

It made me stop dead in my tracks, if only I could call out for help. Quickly I look to my phone hoping to text Felix. I'm not far so he could walk down here and walk me home 

I turn on my phone but I'm met with a still black screen. Guess I forgot to charge it at Signe's 

I take in a deep breath and let it out. I probably just thought I heard  something, besides I can survive without Felix. I don't need  him to walk home. 

So I continue walking but my pace got faster as I heard another pair of shoes stepping behind me. The louder they got the faster I walked until I was finally running down the road with the steps still following 

Felix's house comes in view and it's now that I wish I could scream for him to come out and get me and protect me. To wrap his arms around me and save me from this person like he did when we first met 

I was one house away from his when I felt a pair of hands on my hips, hoping it was a prank by Felix I turn my head but




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