Chapter 35

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Star lay in the guest room at Sammi and Jinxx's house. She still had not been out of the room. Sammi brought her all her meals, and there was a bathroom in the room, so there was no need for her to leave.

Se laid in bed thinking. She had been at Jinxx and Sammi's for over a week now. Andy visited everyday for the fist week, but he had not been there in 3 days. That made her curious and worried a the same time. 

She finally got up the courage to go downstairs. She, of course, wore her sunglasses to hide her face. She walked to the kicthen where she head Sammi and Jinxx talking. 

Sammi looked at her when she walked through the entry way. "Oh hey, sweetheart. Are ou hungry or something?" She and Jinxx were drinking coffee sitting on stools at the island across from each other.

Star looked. "No, thanks," she said returning Sammi's smile.

This surprised both Jinxx and Sammi. Neither of them had seen Star smile the whole tme she had been staying there. Come to think of it, Jinxx had not seen her smile once since the accident.

Sammi smiled at her again patting the stool beside her. Star walked over to her and sat down.

Jinxx smiled," You like coffee?"

Star gave out a short laugh," Of course I do." Jinxx and Sammi laughed. It was nice for them to see her since of humor again.

He turned to the coffee maker and fixed Star a cup." What do you fix yours?"

"Um.. 3 sugars and about a quarter cup of creamer, please," Star answered.

Jinxx laughed at that," That's how I do mine."

 Star smiled at him, and he mixed in the sugar and cream with the coffee. When he finished and it was mixed in completely. he sat the cup on the island in front of Star.

"Thank you," she said to him taking a sip.

The sat in silence for a while, but then Star started thinking. She wanted to know what had happened to Andy. "Jinxx?"

He looked up at her," Yeah?"

"How's Andy?" Star asked shyly.

JInxx and Sammi exchanged looks. "Um... he's fine.." Jinxx answered hesitantly.

Star nodded and looked down.

JInxx and Sammi glanced at each other again. "But..." JInxx said getting Star's attention," I'm sure he's be a lot better if he heard from you.." He and Sammi gave her a soft smile.

Star looked at them with a worried smile," You think so?"

Jinxx and Sammi both nodded smiling. Star grinned and ran back upstairs. She went back to her bedroom, and got her phone that was sitting on the night stand.

Heartaches and Heartbreaks *Book 2 to Second Chances*Where stories live. Discover now