Fact #45

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Strange/Odd/Unusual laws in different countries:

New Zealand:
- It is illegal to fly with a rooster in a hot air balloon.

- High schools are allowed 1 pound of uranium and 1 pound of thorium to conduct nuclear experiments. However, you can be fined up to $1 million dollars for setting off nuclear explosions. (A/N: I'm going to ask my science teacher... Eventually. And... You might also be dead if you did set off a nuclear explosion.)

- It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. (A/N: How does this even work...?)

- Holding a salmon suspiciously is illegal. (A/N: A little fishy, don't you think?)


- It illegal to get someone too drunk in pubs.

- In Western Australia, you are not allowed to have more than 50kg/110lbs of potatoes at one time.

- It is illegal to interrupt a wedding or a funeral.

- In Victoria, you have to be a licensed electrician to be able to change a light bulb.

- It is illegal to dress up as Batman... As in John Batman, the founder of Melbourne (unless it's at a certain event).


- Chickens are not allowed to cross the road. (A/N: Why did the chicken NOT cross the road?)


- To all Buddhists: You have to get the governments permission to reincarnate. 

- You have to be intelligent to be about to go to college/university.


- If a stranger knocks on you dooor and needs to use the toilet, you have to let them use it

- It is illegal for underwear to be worn under kilts. If you are, you are fined two beers. (A/N: Don't ask me how they check.)


- It is illegal to forget your wife's birthday. (A/N: Just as well my dad doesn't live there.)


- Just like Finland is with Donald Duck, Winnie the Pooh is illegal in Poland. (A/N: ;-; Just as well I didn't live here when I was a child.)


- 35%/One in every five of all music played on Canadian radio stations has to be by Canadian music artists. 


- If you are caught cheating on exams, you can be sent to jail (but you have to be 15 or older).


- It is illegal to get divorced in the Philippines. (A/N: Same thing in the Vatican.)


A/N: There are so many strange/odd/unusual laws that I might do a part 2 one day.

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