Anybody Have a Map?

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Courtney's POV

The next morning I woke up next to Colin just sitting on the couch still with tears in his eyes.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked and rubbed his back.
"I don't know, I've never seen that happen, my father just exploded" he stuttered. I gave him a hug.
"How about your mom?" I asked
"She was fine and supportive but she got scared from my dad getting mad' he paused ' my dad was raised by the book, and his mom and dad are very traditional, my dad can except others but can't except it in his own family" he told me.
"Yeah your father was never fully comfortable with the idea of people being gay or bisexual, but maybe he can learn to" I comforted him. Then Colton walked down stairs.
"Hey, what's going on?" Colton asked us
"Colin spent the night" I told him
"Why?" He asked
"I told my parents" Colin told Colton and my son looked down then walked over to him and gave him a hug.
"Do you guys want something to eat? Aunt Ali is coming over for coffee, just you two know" I told them and started making coffee.
"I'm not hungry" Colin said. They watched tv and I went into the other room and called aria.
"Hello?" I heard her crying.
"Hey aria, I just wanted to tell you that Colin is here" I told her and I heard her sign in relief.
"Thank god, I don't know what happened last night, Ezra just snapped and before I knew it Colin was gone and I was cleaning his things off the lawn and Ezra was drinking" she cried into the phone.
"Aria, Colin is scared, last night Colton told me and I didn't end in a fight or me telling him I hated him, because I don't, you have to talk to Ezra" I told her and she just cried into the phone. I hung up the phone and then Ali came through the door.
"Hey everyone" she greeted us, and gave me a hug.
"Hey boys" She smiled at them Colin didn't move but Colton said hello.
"What's going on with him?" Ali asked me. We went into the kitchen.
"Colin and Ezra had a fight last night' I gave her coffee, 'oh and last night Colton, he told me he was gay" I told her and she smiled
"I'm so happy for him" she smiled at me and then looked at the back of his head.
"Oh and last night I went to a bar just to get a drink and I met a guy and he gave me his number" I told Alison and her eyes widened.
"Are you going to call him?" She asked me
"No I don't think so, but you know it was nice to have someone to talk to and to flirt with someone a little bit, I haven't done that in a very long time" I told Alison and she nodded
"Yeah, well you've been married for years"

Flash back

   "Jason come here I want to talk to you" I called to him and he came into the living room.
    "What's up" He asked and sat down on the couch.
      "Jason, I'm pregnant" I told him and he froze for a second then started to smile.
       "That's great, we can make the guest room the baby room!" He got excited and gave me a hug.
         "Ok wait Jason there's more' I said and he waited 'we are having twins" I finished and he was in shock. He didn't move.
          "Jason?!" I waved my hand in front of his face because he wasn't moving. Then he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up! My eyes widened.
            "Jason are you ok?!" I asked concerned
            "I'm doing great" he answered then threw up again.

End flashback
Flashback (twins are 5)

     "Court, we need a night  alone" Jason said and wrapped his arms around me.
      "I know but it's hard with the two of them" I answered.
       "I know but our Saturday nights consist of us watching Dora the explorer and eating the left over chicken nuggets that the kids didn't eat" Jason laughed.
        "Come on we can go out to dinner,then come back for dessert" Jason said then kissed me.
        "Ok I'll get a sitter" I smiled and the He kissed me again then we heard from the stairs case.
        "EEWWWW!! Colton mommy and daddy are kissing!!!" Mia yelled and ran.

End of flashback

     "Yeah it's been weird without Jason, I feel like Colton and I have been in different world lately, but maid e it will be better now" I hoped. The I heard a knock on my door. I went and opened it. Ezra was standing there. I took a deep breath.
      "Hello Ezra" I said to him. I was upset with him.
       "Hi" sage aid quietly the moved into the house a little to see Colin.
        "Colin get up we are leaving" he said forcefully.
         "No, I don't want to go with you" Colin answered
           "Colin, get your ass out of that seat and get in the god damn car" Ezra started to raise his voice. I gave him a look.
            "Please Colin, your mom and I want to talk to you" Ezra lowered his voice and begged.
           "Fine" Colin stood up and grabbed his bag and left. I took a deep nervous breath. Alison went over to the couch and sat with Colton. I sat next to Colton too and gave him a hug.
"I love you" I kissed his head.
"I love you too mom" he smiled. Then Lily came through the door.
             "Hi guys" she greeted and sat on the couch with us.
             "Hey Colton, grace and I are going to a party tonight do you want to come with us?" She asked him. He seemed unsure. And a gave him an approving smile.
              "Sure" he answered
             "Great I'll pick you up later" she smiled and went to sit next to Alison.

Later that night
    Colton was about to get picked up by lily and grace to go to a party. I'm kind of nervous for him.
     " ok kid, now you know to not drink and to not get involving with drugs, right!" I made clear to him.
       "Yes mom I know" he smiled and then we heard a car honk. He gave me a hug then left.  Then as he opened the door aria stood there she walked in and Colton walked out and shut the door.
        "Aria hey what's up" I asked her because she looked pale and upset.
        "I can't be home anymore!" She was so upset she was choked up.
         "Why?" I asked
         "I got home from work today and there was a note on the counter that said Ezra was driving Colin to a camp to "Fix him"! He did this with out talking to me!" She started to cry.
           "So Colin, where is he?" I asked
           "Some camp in New York, Ezra just got home and he and I got into a huge fight and he started drinking." She cried. I looked at her and I saw on her arm a few bruises. She saw me looking and she pushed her sleeves down.
             "Aria, what's going on?" I asked pointing to her arm
             "Nothing I'm fine, I fell down the steps, I tripped on a sock" she wiped her tears. Then we heard a crash.
              "What was that?" I asked concerned and she shrugged. We ran up the stairs and saw in Colton's room the window was broken and a rock was on the floor. I picked up the rock and read the message on the other side.
      "Maybe next time you will watch out for others first, M.I.A" I read out loud I was shocked.
        "Is this like an A?" Aria Asked d
        "I guess so, is there more?" I Asked and I started ripping Colton's room apart along with aria. I looked around at the mess I made and saw nothing. Then as I was walking away I tripped on a floor board. I turned and looked at it. I lifted it up and I saw all kinds of notes and threats.
          "Oh my god" I sighed and I pulled out every single note. Aria and I read them all and we were both crying. We were getting flashbacks to where we were being harassed. Then aria turned to me
             "Can I stay here tonight?" She asked me
           "Of course" I responded.

   Aria went to sleep a few hours ago, but I've been cleaning up Colton's room for the past 5 hours. Then I heard the door shut. I walked down stairs
      "Colton, how was the party?" I asked him
      "It was fun" he responded and I just stared at him
       "What?" He asked me
       "Sit down I have to talk to you" I told him and sat down and I sat next to him.
        "Honey, you remember this morning when Ezra came to take Colin home?" I asked and he nodded
          "We apparently he wasn't taking him home, Colin is at a camp to "fix" him" I told him and he looked sad and disappointed.
            "Why didn't aria stop it?" He asked me
            "He took his without telling aria, I'm so sorry" I told him. He started crying and started to hug me.
            "Oh and one more thing" I said and took him upstairs to his room. He saw the notes all over the floor. And then he really started to break down crying. He explained how long he was getting these notes and what they were about. I don't know what to do about this.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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