Sixteen: A Threat Ended Or A Threat Just Begun?

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      Tyler and Caroline were slow dancing as I approached them. Since Caroline's back was to me, Tyler was the one who noticed my presence first.

     "I don't recall having given you permission to leave." I growled, settling a stern look upon Tyler as he and Caroline stopped dancing to face me.

      "He shouldn't require your permission for anything." Caroline snapped.

       "Ah but he does." I stated, moving my gaze away from Caroline and over to Tyler. "Isn't that right?"

      "Why do you have to try to prove that you're the alpha male?" Caroline asked snidely.

       Immediately my gaze returned to her and I narrowed my eyes at her, disliking her tone. "I don't have to prove it because I am the alpha male."

       Tyler sensed my thinning patience with her and quickly intervened. "It's fine Care. Drop it."

       Wildly Caroline looked to him with an aggravated expression but soon simmered down and made no further remarks. Which I imagine was no doubt difficult for her to do.


       I slightly turned at the sound of Jessica's voice. In all of her beauty she came to a stop beside me. Immediately I caught a glimpse of unease in her emerald eyes.

      "I need you to come with me. There is something we need to discuss."

       The underlying weight of her words conveyed the seriousness of whatever it was she needed to say to me. Thoughts of what it could possibly be ran through my mind as I gave her a curt, acknowledging nod.

      Jessica turned away and led me through the gym doors. As soon as we set foot outside, she looked to me.

      "Esther is back and she took Elena." Jessica stated, concern evident in her tone. "We think she is going to try to kill Originals again."

       Involuntarily my body tensed in anger at the mention of Esther. And then I began to share a bit of Jessica's uneasiness that Esther's agenda was a renewed effort to kill us.

      "Where did she take Elena?" I questioned, for the surest way to disrupt Esther's plan would be to eliminate Esther's access to the doppelganger.

      "I don't know." Came Jessica's reply.

       Suddenly Jessica and I were halted in mid-stride, having run into an invisible barrier.

      "What the hell?" Jessica raised her hand out before her, pressing it against the unseen barrier.

       Lowering my gaze, I noticed the thick line of salt on the ground. In the next moment, Damon and Stefan came from around the far corner of the gym building wearing disgruntled looks.

       "Esther put up some kind of barrier to prevent us from going after her." Stefan stated as he and Damon stopped a few feet away from Jessica and I.

       "It encircles the whole school grounds. We couldn't find a way through." Damon remarked.

        "We'll need a witch to lower the barrier." I shifted my gaze away from the Salvatore's and onto Jessica. "Perhaps Amelia or Bonnie will be up to the challenge?"

       Jessica nodded. "I'll find Amelia."

       "And I'll find Bonnie." Stefan stated. "While one lowers the barrier, the other can perform a locator spell to find Elena."

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