Twenty Three: Circumstance of Transition

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   Klaus's footsteps faded as he exited out of the back of the mansion and into the gardens. Considering Klaus was not the type to ask for help, I wondered what 'soldiers' he was going to recruit. Prior to the encounter with Alaric, he had sent his last few remaining hybrids that he had under his rule away. More than likely he was going to have them return and take up their former roles as members of his hybrid army.

     As for his siblings, I wasn't sure if he would get them involved or not since he had seemed to think that he and I could take on this threat alone. From the sound of the magnitude of the witch threat, it wouldn't hurt to round up as much help as we could get... after all Elijah, Rebekah and Kol had a right to know that we all were going to be hunted to the point of extinction.

    Turning my mind away from Klaus's current activity, I looked to Amelia. I didn't wish for her to get any more involved in all of this than she already was. For if she were to go with us and help us, she'd be painted as a target as well and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her because of me. Yet at the same time, I knew that the chance of her staying here, further away from danger, was a slim one because with her being such a devoted friend she has never left my side.

    "I'm fairly sure I know what you are going to say but I've got to at least try..." I began but she quickly cut me off.

    "Don't even say it Jess. I'm going with you. I'll do all that I can to help you. You know that." Amelia said firmly.

    "But you've done so much for me already. You deserve more than having to always help fight my battles. If you stayed here, you could go be with Matt. Or you could even go back home to our hometown and try to have as much of a peaceful life as possible. Because if you go with me, there will be a slim to none chance of a relatively peaceful life."

     At the mention of Matt, her resolute expression softened. She fell silent for a brief moment, quickly contemplating it. I wondered if she was playing out a version in her mind of a more normal life here with Matt.

     Hunter, who still remained in the room, shifted uncomfortably as if wanting to say something but surprisingly he remained silent.

     Amelia's gaze met mine. "I can't deny that would be a nice path to take...but you are going to have to face the facts that you're stuck with me."

     A large grin broke out on my face at my best friend's perseverance to remain at my side and help me. "I can't thank you enough Mel."

     She returned my smile and I once again was extremely grateful to have her as my friend.

    "I don't want to intrude on your moment but there is something else we need to discuss." Hunter said, capturing our attention.

      A part of me wanted to sarcastically snap at him but I refrained from doing so. I still didn't like him very much but he was beginning to prove to be helpful. So I was going to try to be a little more civil towards him... for now.

    "Like what?" Amelia asked.

    "Since we are going to be their witch support and since we will be up against some tough witch competition, it's time I help you reestablish your connection to the Equilibri." He replied, directing his sole attention onto Amelia. "By doing so your power will increase which in turn will enable you to help Jessica and Klaus even more."

     "I'm doing this to help Jessica and our other vampire friends. Don't mistake my help for acceptance of Klaus...or you. Neither you nor Klaus have earned my respect nor my trust." Amelia firmly stated.

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